There was no music or chatter. Just us sitting there.

When we eventually made it back to Mystic Falls, it was around eight in the evening and I was super tired again.

Damon parked up outside the boarding house and got out the car, immediately going to the backseat where my bag was and taking it out.

There wasn't even any point in arguing with him so I simply got out and left him to carry my things.

As soon as the front door opened, Stefan appeared, his eyes searching for me and when they found me, I was enveloped in a bone crushing hug.

"Harri, I've missed you so much." He mumbled into my ear and after a few more moments he let go, keeping his hands on both of my shoulders.

"I know Steffy, I've missed you too." I smiled, quickly giving him another hug before he lead me into the parlour.

Everything looked exactly the same. Same sofas, chairs, table and of course, alcohol.

"So what happened in New Orleans?" He questioned, taking a seat when I did. We were also joined by Damon who placed my bag down next to the sofa I was on and sitting down on a nearby chair.

"A lot really. But as you can most probably tell, I'm not a hunter anymore." I gleamed a smile because of how happy I was about it.

I still couldn't get over it now.

"What? How did that happen?" Stefan questioned, his eyes darting from me to Damon.

"Well, my friend Davina cast a spell, and, voila, I'm all cured." I clapped my hands together and hoped Damon wouldn't say anything about the whole blood craving thing.

"Really? It was that easy?"

"Yep. She's a very powerful witch so it was no trouble for her." Just as I finished my sentence, a yawn escaped my lips and Stefan smiled a little.

"I'll let you sleep. Travelling has taken a lot out of you." He stood up and I copied him. He pulled me in for another hug before leaving the room as his phone rang.

Grabbing my bag, I gave Damon one last glance who was staring at me before I made my way to my room.

I felt so relaxed being back in here.

It felt like I was was home again.

But at the same time I just felt scared of what was to come. If Damon couldn't help me with the blood lust and I go around like an absolute nutter, drinking everyones blood.

Not something I'd like to imagine really.

I chucked practically all of my clothes that were in my bag in then wash basket I had in my room and made a mental note to clean them tomorrow since they were basically all my favourite clothes.

Having another quick shower as I was all gross from just sitting in the car, I scrubbed my body and got changed into a tank top and some booty shorts before diving onto my bed.

Ahh, I'd missed this bed.

It was so much more comfy than the one that Klaus let me stay in. I didn't complain to him of course.

After about five minutes on my own, there was a knock on my closed door which caused me to pull away from the book I had started to read.


"It's Damon." Came the reply and I immediately sunk back into the bed.

"Come in." I mumble from my position which was wrapped up in all my covers.

Harri Donavon (Damon Salvatore fic)Where stories live. Discover now