"Oh most definitely." Quinn said.

"What are they?"

"Advantages would bragging rights." The set laughed and Quinn shook her head. "It's a blessing to be in this position because I can reach out to younger aspiring girls; I can encourage and help them in ways that I couldn't, had I chosen a different path."

The woman nodded. "And the disadvantages?"

"Oh," Quinn had forgotten. "There's the sexists and racists- obviously. And the company can be pretty time consuming."

"How do you think you were able to achieve such greatness in so little time- I mean you're only twenty four and you're the number one private technology enterprise name in the world."

Quinn smiled. "I'm twenty six, but thank you." Jennifer laughed. "It helped that I was ahead in school. I graduated from college earlier than most so I got a small jump. My parents are also huge factors in my success." Quinn took a deep breath. "When there's one who believes in all that you do, you want to make them proud. The other one doesn't want to see you succeed; you tend to want to prove them wrong."

Jennifer leaned forward. "Who's who?"

"Well I'm definitely no daddy's girl." Quinn laughed lightly. The woman nodded once again.

"It doesn't come easy, y'know?" Quinn stared off into the fields. "I didn't inherit anything- I had to start from scratch. The likelihood that I was going to succeed was slim to none. You won't believe how many times I had to hear people degrade and try to tear me down. When you have GOD and a dream though, I mean, you're practically unstoppable."

"When you began this, did you foresee it to be this billion dollar empire that it is today?" Jennifer want even reading from her list of questions any more.

Quinn hummed. "I think I may have thought about it for a short bit. Being a normal girl, born here and raised in a small town in Texas though, I couldn't have even dreamed this."

"You had some kind of pattern going on; The women that are the heart of your company, what exactly was that about?"

"That was just something that I was trying to get across to the men who doubted me when I first began. The ones who doubted my intelligence or sense all because I was a woman."

"Now that you are number one , what do you have to say to those who doubted you?"

Quinn simply said, "Thank you."

Jennifer hesitated. "Just thank you?"

"Yes. They were pretty harsh, but very motivational. Someone once said, "The thing that women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it." I believe that was Roseanne Barr- anyway, that quote is very true. Too many women stand around waiting for a man to sweep them off their feet when they could be taking the world by storm."

"Very true," She nodded. "Does your success ever intimidate men? As in-"

"Dating?" Quinn finished.

"Yes, dating."

"Well I sure hope not." Quinn guffawed. "A man who's intimidated by my success is exactly the type of man I do not want to spend my time with."

"Perhaps you'd rain on his parade," Jennifer giggled.

"It isn't my intention."

"So who is your ideal guy? This one's for all the single men out there,"

Quinn laughed. "I'm sorry to tell you, but I've got my heart set on someone right now." She smiled and saw Alexander grin and blush from the other side of the balcony. Penny squealed and clasped her hands together, gushing.

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