Chapter 3 (Ciel)

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Ciel's Pov:

He's insufferable, just when I think he's leaving me alone, he's back. My 'tent' mate is restricting my body as he lays on top of me, I can feel the warmth of his skin through our thin clothes. It feels good. I can't remember the last time I felt the embrace of another person, the only person who touches me is Sebastian but there's no warmth with him and there never will be.

At times it feels good to have someone that seems concerned for me but does it really have to be him. There's something off with him, he's too cheerful for somewhere that's as mundane as thus circus. I have to be careful around him, at least until Sebastian returns tomorrow. I can't confide in him, I have to resist the impulse to pull him closer and latch onto him just to bask in the comfort of merely having his body near.

"Are you quite ready to move yet" I hiss at him. He winces but exaggeratedly rolls off me before standing and gleefully offering me a hand. Reluctantly, I take it.

"Do ya want to head back it's late?" I nod yes causing the unruly brunette to start walking. I have to walk double pace to keep up with his strides. "I've been out looking for you since the show you know Smile, does it really hurt to tell me where you're going?" The boy speaks without looking at me.

At that my moment my stomach rumbles, how embarrassing. It hardly ever does that, even though I barely eat. I'm fairly used to it so the noises stopped but I guess it's just rotten timing. The boy looks at me with his eyebrows raised and a smirk plastered on his mouth. Suddenly he's reaching into his small worn satchel, he pulls out a bundle of cloth.

"What's that?" I query.

"Your lunch" He says as he hands over the bundle.

It contains a rather large chunk of bread and a couple of slices of cheese. I hold back a gasp at the considerate gesture. Nobody ever goes out of their way to make sure I'm fed. Even Sebastian never bothers and he's my butler. That's a lie as much as I Wish he didn't care he's forced me to eat on several occasions.

"...Are you going to eat or not?" The boy mused.

I'm so amazed by his kindness that I don't notice I'm staring blankly at the food in my hands. I have no clue how to respond, this situation has never occurred to me before. Would it be rude to decline? I hope not.

"Sorry... I-I'm not hungry but thank you." I mutter and pick up my pace, hoping to get back to the tent without having to engage in any more conversation with him.

Forcefully, he grabs my arm preventing me from walking away with his strong grip. I grunt in pain and he loosens his grip slightly. Blue eyes bore into my own. I watch him sigh in frustration. I'm so confused, why is he angry, I'm nothing to him. But do I want to be?

"Not hungry...Smile, I don't think I've seen you eat! You skip every meal time, you don't eat in the tent and you're the skinniest boy yet most pretty boy I've ever met" The brunette is bushing awkwardly, "...Ack, uh I didn't mean to say that" He mumbles.

Now I'm angry. How dare he lie to my face. I'm ugly, I know that... My face is to pale, my eyes dull and my limbs have fat clinging to them. I pull away using all my anger at the stupid boys lies to fuel my strength and storm towards the tent.

"Smile wait!" He calls as I start to put distance between us. I smirk, there's no way I'll wait for him. Idiotic boy.

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