"Shockwave, Soundwave, this is Blacklunar, she is new and is Blackouts niece. Blacklunar, the purple one is Shockwave and the blue one is Soundwave. Shockwave does experiments and tries to revive things. Soundwave here is the third in command, he is very loyal to Megatron, and he doesn't really talk much." Knockout explained.

Shockwave gave her a quick glance and looked back at Knockout.

"Knockout follow me, I need you assistance." Shockwave said plainly, as he walked away into a den that Blacklunar did not notice before with Knockout following closely.

She turned her attention back to Soundwave, who was still staring at her. They stared at each other until Breakdown cleared his throat.

"So Blacklunar-" Breakdown started but was interrupted.

"Please just call me Lunar, Blacklunar can be canyoning and plus people only call me that for when I'm in trouble." Lunar giggled.

"Alright Lunar, Megatron wanted you and I to go on a hunt. Soundwave will be watching and seeing how well your hunting skills are." Breakdown explained.

"Ok. Lead the way." Lunar exclaimed happily.

The two males walked out of the den and Lunar was going to but was stopped by Dreadwing.

"Be careful out there ok?" He stated quietly, with worry in his eyes.

"Sure thing! Thanks for caring." Lunar stated, giving a quick lick on the cheek before she ran out to catch up with Breakdown and Soundwave.

"Oh and be careful around Starscream and Megatron, you know how males can be!" He yelled out to her as she ran.

Lunar finally caught up with the two and walked beside Soundwave.

"You ready to get dinner for the whole pack Lunar." Breakdown asked, glancing back at her.

"Bring it on! I am so hungry!" Lunar growled out, making Breakdown chuckle.

"Alright keep quite and get low. We're coming to a stop in 3...2...1." Breakdown whispered, as they all hid behind a bush.

In front of them was a clearing that had about seven deer. There were two bucks, three females, and two little ones.

Breakdown nodded his head towards the female and that looked hurt and buck that far away from the other deer. Breakdown and Lunar jumped out from the bush. Breakdown ran after the buck and bit onto the left back leg , but got kicked in the face, yelped in pain and tumbled to the ground. Lunar ran over to him as fast as she could.

"Breakdown are you okay!!!" Lunar asked, worried about Breakdown.

Breakdown had scratches all over his body, he also had a deep gash in his side and one of his eyes was missing.

"Oh my god! Breakdown we have to get you back to Knockout!" Lunar cried out, trying to get him on his feet.

"No...... you..........have...to....get.............food..." Breakdown rasped out.

Blacklunar didn't care about the food she only cared about getting Breakdown help. Then Lunar remembered that Soundwave was close by.

"Soundwave! Breakdown needs help!" She shouted out to Soundwave.

Soundwave came running through the trees and noticed Breakdown's injuries. He ran over and looked over Breakdown then looked at Lunar looking for an explanation.

"He bit the bucks leg and then got kicked really hard and tumbled a lot." Lunar explained, looking down sadly.

Lunar only thought of one thing that would make Breakdown proud and it was bringing those deer down.

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