"I do Niall. I know that. And you already took the words out of my mouth. I did think I'd take away your happiness. I mean you were so happy. You should have seen you. The bright smile, rosy cheeks, eye sparkle." He said.

"Zayn. There is no such thing as taking my happiness away. Unless they take like you away or any of my family. I wouldn't even let you go enough for you to be taken. My mom was taken from me. And that was a very deep hole I fell into... I can never and will never fall in that hole again Zayn." I said and he rubbed the side of my stomach with his thumb.

"Well it's over now. And I know what college I'm going to." He said and I smiled because we were going to go to the same one.

"But it has me thinking. You know. You just brought up your mom. I didn't know her but a little while back I spoke to her I'm not sure how but you've spoken to her too. I talked to her about you. And we could go on and on. She was proud. She said you finally got the message she was trying to convey to you." Zayn said and is shivered for a moment.

"And what was that?" I asked him.

"She said acceptance. She said that because she said you've finally accepted it all. You finally accepted that she was passed and now you're accepting what is yet to come. She said you could now move on. That she wouldn't be forgotten but now the everyday struggle and task to get through the day without crying was no longer something that came as an obstacle to you anymore. But you could do what you need to, that you can do what you have to. She used the analogy you were in a box and when she was alive you were walking from box to box and the key would already be in the room to unlock the door to get to the next box. She said when she passed that you were standing in front of the door with the key trying to go through but you just couldn't. She said further down the line did you make it through the threshold, and you're walking through more doors and she's not only happy for you but she is proud." He said.

"When did you speak to her? How did you?" I asked him.

"You're getting heavy. Let's lay down." He said and I coined back in bed and he laid next to me.

I spooned him because the dominant person in the relationship should be cuddled too.

"Well that day. You opened up your letters. After I had finished crying to my mom. I came up here and sat on my bed and cried some more. I heard a angelic feminine Irish voice. She said 'what's wrong son-in-law?'. I didn't know what was going on at first but I was reminded of you. The Irish voice. So I wasn't afraid of it then and I spoke to her. It did stop my tears before we went to dinner that night." He said.

"Wow." I said. "I don't know what to say."

"Well I'm speaking the truth. And really what is there to say behind that?" He said.

"It was really beautiful. I mean really. And I'll call on her tonight but I want to change the subject." I said.

"Well you still want to have sex?" He said turning around to face me.

I laughed kissing him and he turned fully wrapping his hands around my waist. I bit his lip and he groaned sliding a bare hand under my shirt and I pulled away to kiss his neck. It was so hot when he moaned. I was why he moaned and when I sucked the love bites onto his neck I could hear that beautiful sound he makes.

His other hand went to cup my bum while the other rubbed my back. My hands fiddled with his button and zipper, then mines. I looked at him and bit my lip. I shimmied myself out of my pants and climbed on top of him. I pulled off my shirt off and he looked at me. I think he was just taking me in. He traced the tattoo on my hip and i rocked my hips gently. He let out a low moan. I grabbed his shirt bringing him to sit up. I helped him pull his shirt off and I kissed him and we fell back making our teeth clash a bit.

Hi, I'm Harry's Cousin (Ziall)Where stories live. Discover now