Chappie 16

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Filler! If I get enough votes and comments I WILL UPDATE THE BEXT CHAPTER TODAY!

*Niall's POV*

"Shut up." I said laughing on the phone at Liam.

"I'm serious. We have a week for fall break and she says I can come down there. Do you think your aunt would let me stay there for a while?" Liam said.

"You're not joking. You're being serious! Like you're actually coming down here!" I said so hyped on the phone.

"Yes but I have to see if I can stay there and my mom wants to talk to Anne though too." He said and I started bouncing on top of my bed.

"Does she have time to talk right now?"
I asked.

"Yeah." He said and I fell off my bed too excited getting up and running to Anne's room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." She said and I walked in and she was taking off her shoes.

"Hey Auntie can you talk to my friend. He wants to sleepover all week next week. Starting this Tuesday." I told her and she smiled taking the phone.

I just stood there really giddy. Anne only had 1 guest room so she said we'd have to bunk up which I was fine with. Anne said she'd look after him like her own son. Then they did the little mother talk. When she did hang up she laughed.

"You didn't tell me he lived in a whole different country." She said.

"Um missed that small detail." I said blushing.

"It's fine." She said shaking her head and taking off her socks.

I hopped out of the room and back into mines. Liam text me saying how he couldn't wait. I honestly couldn't. It was just Saturday now and we go on our break starting Monday. Ugh I get to see my best friend again. Harry walked in my room looking at me.

"You look like you're about to explode." He said and I laughed.

"My Bestfriend is coming for the week." I said and he smiled.

"Liam right?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Uh I can't wait till I see him." I said and he sat down on the bed next to me.

"That's good. And I get to meet him." He said and I smiled.

"So where's Lou?" I asked.

"Um I think he's at home." Harry said.

"What no Larry today? I'm surprised." I said.

"We're going to a party tonight. Are parties really your scene?" He asked me and I shook my head no.

"Ok good because I already told Zayn to come and keep you company. He used to love parties though. He used to be the life of them." Harry said.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"If you were with Zayn at a party you knew you'd have a good time. He used to request the good music, let people take body shots off of him, jump in pools from 2 story windows with all his clothes still on. He was the best." Harry said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. It just changed suddenly. And abruptly if I might add." I said.

"Is it a good thing?" I asked.

"Yeah I guess. I guess he's saving it for after highschool." Harry said.

"Yeah." I said not really understanding.

"Well it is 7 I told him to be over here around that time. I'm going over Lou's. He's gonna help me dress. Even though I dress perfectly fine he wanted to watch me get dressed. So it's more like not helping me just giving him a free strip show." Harry said and I laughed.

"I know you watch him strip." I said and he nodded.

"You should see his ass in briefs. Of course I watch him." he said walking out the room and I laughed.

I laid on my bed and thought about the song in my head. It was turning more sentimental. But it still explains a breaking bond between two people. It was for me and Greg really. Greg and I just weren't close because him and my mother weren't that close. He didn't even cry at the funeral and I doubt crying didn't even happen through his mourning process if he did have one.

I remember 2 years ago. They had a really big falling out and then he just left. I had no idea where he went. Nobody for that matter knew where he went and yes we were scared but he just moved away. I hadn't seen him since the funeral and he barely said anything to me. It was just 'Hey Niall I'm sorry for your lost' like it wasn't his mom too.

What happened to the 'It'll be okay' or the 'We'll make it.' There wasn't any of that. And I don't see why he couldn't of put his pettiness aside for my mother dying. It actually really angers me. He's such a bitch.

"Helloooo." Zayn said snapping his fingers in front of me.

"Oh hey Zayn. I didn't even know you walked in." I said scooting back on my bed and he took off his shoes climbing next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm thinking about my brother. He's such and idiot." I said sighing.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He's petty. And likes to hold grudges. Not with my but I wouldn't be a surprised." I said.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked.

"No. Not really." I said.

"Ok what do you want to talk about then?" He asked.

"Have you ever went to camp? I've never been to camp." I said and he laughed.

"I'm yes I have. Nice experience." He said smiling.

"Why? What did you do at camp? I wanted to go." I said.

"Well I had my first boyfriend at camp. But I also enjoyed myself. Like I partially learned how to swim. I learned how to tie a lot of different knots. I learned how to climb trees and I learned how to prank from Tommo himself. That's also when we became best mates" He said and I snorted.

"Sound more like the Boy Scouts." I said and he smiled.

"We're you a boys scout?" He asked and I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"Do you have a satchel with all your badges?" He said and I blushed.

"You do!" He yelled.

"It's back at my old house. And I was the best damn scout the town had ever seen." I said and he laughed falling back on the bed.

I laughed along with him. He was so cute. Goodness.

"It's not really that funny." I said and he still laughed clutching his stomach.

Once he was done laughing I looked at him while he wiped tears out of the corner of my eye.

"I forgot to tell you. Liam is coming." I said.

"For fall break right?" He asked.

"Yeah. I missed him so much." I said laying back on my bed.

"Where's he staying?" He asked.

"Here! We're bunking. I'm so excited." I said.

"Oh. I want to meet him." Zayn said.

"Great." I said laying against him.

Hi, I'm Harry's Cousin (Ziall)Where stories live. Discover now