Gay Marriage

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I just wanted to say how I am extremely happy for the LGBT community because now they can get married in every state. Well I live in America so I am very proud.

There are so man homophobes it's ridiculous. I hate people throwing up the bible in everything, when the bible contradicts itself in every way. And I'm not a Christian so I guess that has to do with my emotions on the issue.

I dislike the people who are saying 'God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve'. First off stfu it just wasn't his will to make, he could have made an Adam and Steve but that clearly wasn't his choice but if he had then what? Then being straight would be uncommon and people would hate on ever straight relationship.

It pisses me off. I don't understand why it's effecting straight people in a first place. Why are they upset about it? Because your beliefs? You can take your beliefs and stick them right up your ass! Oh wait you aren't gay.

Why do what you think have to apply for everyone else. It doesn't so why are you being a asshole. Their life doesn't affect you.

The common thing is to be straight. But putting aside religion why is it considered wrong? A mans g-spot is up his butt.

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