the music vid; drama had risen!

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Princeton pov

I cant belive I will makeout wit Natalie like we were freinds but its just a kiss it wont mean anything. ...I hope I change into a gray dress shirt n a red n black striped tie I ca me out of the dressing room n saw Natalie in lepord purple body suit when she rap n sing wit the dancers.

it was time for the makeout seen here I go....

nicki: u ready?

Princeton: yea

I went up to Natalie in the green screen

Princeton: hey

Natalie: hey

Princeton: here goes nothin

director: action!

we leaned n started makin out n she accidentally bit my lip

director: cut !..... we gotta delete tht part n start ovr

Princeton: aye aye I think we should keep it *laughs*

Natalie: *giggles*

I think I'm having fun....

director: kissing seen part 2..... action!

we start kissing. .. woow she's a good kisser.... her lips felt glossy n warm...ahh I was in lip heaven

director: n we done

we kept kissing we got off gaurd.... then ray called us that we can stop now

prince n Natalie: whoops

nicki: we will keep goin on wit the video but tommoro ya got an interview on camera how ya felt In the video n how good ya thought was the video

nana (Natalie):k

end of pov

Natalie pov

the kiss was good. but it didn't meen anything but his lips wer soft very very soft everyone is goin to tak a nap Ray n Princeton gonna sleep in my bed with me but dont be thinkin like tht it just sleeping but y both of them I dont matter but they're very cuddly n warm

end o/ pov

angie pov

I feel like Natalie is takin my spot light n she stole my crush! its kinda not her fault.. nobody knows I like him... am I crazy! nana is my bestie maybe tomorrow ill just tell her to get out the way

end of pov

wat did yuh think remember to comment n vote do ya agree angie showin her bitchy side welp I g2g I might write another chap now scince I'm bord stay mindless

TEAM MISFITS I'm out dueces!

"yours truly"MB Princeton love story♥Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang