"best night ever!"

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angelines pov

I'm at home with my girls we just at the disco rmm wit loud music n all yuh wanna do is dance all night long . its very cool lights, snacks, n our own dj so we can have private or public party.

kiss me through the phone by soljah boy came on

laura n angie: my jam!

all dah girls started dancin until I felt my phone vidrate from my back pocket

I go out the room n answer it

angie: hello?

???: its. me Princeton

angie: ohh

Prince;: me n dah boiis r bord af can we come ovr n do something?

angie: kk but my freinds r here to sleep ovr so now theres more company

prince: awsome see yuh l8r bye

angie: bye *hang up phone*

in a few minutes I heard the door bell ring but I stayed in the kitchen gettin cookies cuz my mom got to the door

Prince: hello is angeline here?

angie mom: yes she is, angie! baby some people r here for u!

angie: I'm coming! (running from kitchen with fresh baked cookies her mom made)

Princeton: hey meett the boys

the boys: wuts up

angie: nothin

the boys come in

prodigy: wooh this house is huge !

angie: thx

ray: r those baked chocolate chip cookies!

angie: yea

angie mom (marry): do u want some cookies ill lead u inthe kitchen

ray: yes! (says cheerfully)

prod: ur moms pretty

marry: y thank u!

angie: well lets go to the dancing roon ervybody!

prince, prod, roc: ok

they go in the dancin room

roc pov

we go in the dancin room n I see the girl I brought upstage wow she is beautiful n can dance

end of pov

prod' s pov

evrybody was dancin n motto by drake came on . kalii n angeline start rappin wow they can rap

angie n kalii: OMG becky look. at her butt tounchi!! hahahaa

end of prod pov

nobody's pov

DJ: say aaayye!

evrybody: ayyye!

DJ: say oooohh !!!


DJ: say oh oh!

evry one: oh oh!

angie pov

evry body was havin a good time then there was a food fight! Princeton slipped from the floor this is f*ckin hilarious!

we all wash up n watch a movie then the boys leave. all the girls go to sleep in the

room n i go to my room

end of pov

srry its kinda short but I've been busy with school work so comment bout the book good or bad comments stay mindless


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