Niall felt his neck being sprayed. He turned around rapidly as Harry giggled, continuously spraying him. Niall grabbed his wrist before he could spray again and held it up, above both their heads. He walked forward so he could back Harry against the shelves.

Harry continued laughing. Niall couldn't help but break into a smile. Even with his hand being held up in the air, Harry sprayed once more. They both could smell the perfume falling between them.

"How funny Harry, that was hilarious," Niall stated, taking the bottle out of Harry's hand and putting it back on the shelf. Harry grinned, unknowing that Niall grabbed another bottle from behind him and managed to open it with one hand.

Harry gasped when he saw Niall with the bottle, this time spraying him. Harry used his free arm to try to snatch the bottle from Niall, who was now chuckling.

"Oh my god! You total ass," Harry said once he managed to take away the bottle from Niall. Niall was still laughing. He had let go of Harry's wrist by then.

Harry took a sniff of his shirt, his nose wrinkling when he smelled way too much perfume on it. Niall crossed his arms and gave Harry a teasing smile when Harry had started to glare at him.

"In my defense, you did ask what was new," Harry put his hands on his hips. Niall's smile faltered a little, resisting the urge to grab Harry and take him to the back room, to do things that shouldn't be done.

"Didn't know you needed to harass the costumers to show the new products," Niall joked. Harry smiled widely, his dimples deepening, if that was even possible.

"I did not harass you, first of all. Secondly, you aren't a costumer," Harry argued back.

Niall took a step forward, his foot going between Harry's. Harry's back hit some of the shelves as Niall broke the barrier in their personal space. Harry put his hands on Niall's chest as he looked at Niall's face with an unreadable expression.

Niall smirked. "Oh? Then what am I?"

A deep blush appeared on Harry's cheeks. The way he was looking at Niall, so innocent and beautiful. His adorable green eyes looking right at Niall. It made Niall want to kiss him, badly. Niall felt himself leaning in but he couldn't. He couldn't do it.

He backed away, grabbing Harry's wrist and pulling him along towards the counter. Harry followed, not really having an option not to. Niall placed him behind the counter and Niall walked in front of it. Harry frowned, watching Niall put his elbow on the counter and propped up his other arm so his hand could hold his chin.

"Didn't want to keep you from work," Niall said. That was one of the many reasons. The other reasons, he wouldn't dare say out loud.

The rest of the day, Harry and Niall continuously spoke to each other when Harry wasn't helping out costumers. It was a rather slow day since it was Monday. Niall enjoyed every single moment of it. He loved how Harry laughed, smiled, and talked. It was all so smooth, calming and relaxing.

Niall was so distracted by Harry, he had forgotten about meeting up with Melissa. He would have forgotten about the whole thing if it wasn't for Melissa's text, asking him where he was and if he was almost ready.

Niall had hurriedly said goodbye to Harry, tapping his nose playfully and making Harry adorably go cross-eyed. Niall walked out the store afterwards and went home to change into more classier clothes.

He met up with Melissa in front of a theater, which was where they were now.


"I was testing some perfumes, I wanted to bring you a gift but it seems I ran out of time," Niall lied, smiling at Melissa to make it believable.

Melissa grinned at Niall, intertwining their hands. "Aw! Babe that is so cute of you. I'm flattered."

"Yeah," Niall chuckled nervously. He looked around at the people entering the theater. It was for a play. He didn't know what it was about, only that Melissa wanted to come. His heartbeat picked up when he thought he had seen Harry, only for it to turn out to be some random teenage boy.

Niall sighed, knowing he shouldn't think about Harry like that. His urges were becoming stronger every time he saw Harry. He needs to get control over them, and soon before he does anything he'll regret.

But what frightens him is that maybe he won't regret anything he does with Harry.

It frightens him that Harry could possibly become his best mistake.


Chonce remix.


Lipstick [Narry-EDITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora