Chaper 1

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I am woken up in the middle of the night by my horrid dream... Or shall i say nightmare.

The doctor said these pills would help, i frown at the thought of how in 6 more hours ill be at my new school.

My ribs are still sore from that night a week ago, i found out that when i was thrown by one of the hitman i fractured 3 ribs on my left side and broke 1 on the right.

I cringe at the sound of them beating my father to death and my mothers pleading cries for them to stop and to take pity on him.

I pop one more pill flushing it down with water and close my eyes and attempt to fall asleep.

"Gra- Ava sweetheart its time to wake up, you need to get ready and drive your brother to school" my mother sweetly says. I groan and sit up rubbing my tired eyes.

"Im leaving in five to Fiji and will see you on Sunday" my mom says kissing my forehead before anxiously leaving my room.

Fiji?? Dammit thats right, my mom new job is a tour guide in places of Europe and South Africa.

Shes always been a traveller, she used to be a flight attendant and then after i was kidnapped and we moved she wanted a job closer so became a train maid only going for 3 days and a time
On night trains. And now her dream job, a tour guide.

I go downstairs able to catch my mom to kiss her goodbye. I then have to prepare myself for school and then my 6 year old brother.

Quickly i curl my long dark brown hair, my eye brows are still dark from when i was younger and had natural light brown hair.

I put on light makeup then find clothes for today. I decide to put on dark skinny jeans and a olive green tank top.

Now leaving in warm California it would be best to dress for the weather.
I put on black converse and grab my
Dark blue book bag.

I go to Harry's room and pick out an awesome outfit. I dress him in cargo beige shorts and a black and green tshirt. I then give him a blue sweater jacket just for the morning and give him his orange runners to put on.

I quickly rush him to eat breakfast and rush him to school in my black mazda 6 with tinted windows.

I securely buckle Harry into his car seat then get into the drivers side. I buckle us and quickly pull out of the drive way.

"I want the radio on" He says and i shake my head "where are your manners little boy?" I say "pwetty pweese" i whines and i giggle turning
the radio on to my favourite station.

The song Marvin Gaye comes on and we both sing along till i get to his school and turn it down.

I park along the side of the rode where
parents park letting their kids off.

Because he is only in senior kindergarten i have to walk him to his class, which id like to meet his teacher anyways.

I grab his bag and then get him out, i hold his hand as i lock to door then cross the street.

We walk inside the school and are directed to his classroom. "Ahh you must be Mr. Harry Parker?" a lady who is dressed in a bright pink dress smiles.

"Yes Ma'am" he says proudly "and you must be Mrs Julianna?" She questions and i shake my head "no i am Ava, Harry's sister" i tell her introducing myself

"Why you look so mature" she smiles and i return her comment with a smile as well. "Okie dolkie so 2:30 is when the little guys are let off, will you be picking him up?" She asks and i frown my last class ends a 3:00 "um im not done till 3 is it alright if he stays here?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes i would recommend getting him into the after school program which we can talk about after because i'm assuming you are going to be late" she asks and i check the clock that reads 8:45 and shes right, class starts at 9.

"Yes um thank you, bye little man i love you" i tell harry kissing the top of his head then rushing out out of the school and too my car.

I make in just in time, with five minutes to spare so i can find my
damn class. I wasn't given a map or anything so therefore i'm lost.

I decide to ask around, i see a girl with golden blonde, standing against a wall caking on lipgloss. As frightening as she may look i need help to find my class so i slowly approach her.

"Um excuse me could you direct me to where room 2065 is?" I ask and she seems to not notice that I'm talking to her. "Hello!" I say getting a little irritated.

She looks up at me, laughs and then turns to gossip with her friend who is dressed similar to her slutty attire.

"How fucking stereotypical, i guess all barbie dolls are bitches" i scoff walking away to find one decent person.

"Excuse me you ratty looking whore!" She screams and i freeze in my spot, people are staring "bring no attention to you" repeats in my head.

My anger takes over pushing the thought to the back of my mind where i cant here it. "What did you just call me!" I growl my blood boiling inside me.

"You hear me you UGLY ass SKANK" she says emphasizing on ugly and skank. I clench my fists into a tight ball, you've go to be freaking kidding me.

"Listen here you pink bitch..." I start as more people crowd around "why don't you lay off before you get hurt" i say trying to keep my calm "aww you know i'm not scared" she says making a pouty face with her huge ass lips.

"Just breath Ava" i whisper to myself "oh the freak talks to herself too" she says and i hear some chuckles from all around me.

"Care drop it" i hear a deep voice say sternly. I look up to see a gorgeous tall figure, he has dark hair styled to perfection and a big muscular build.

"Oh baby I'm just having a little bit
Of fun" she pouts going on her tippy toes in her 4 inch heels kissing his cheek.

I make it a decision to get out of here unnoticed but of course as soon as i turn around i crash into a wall.

Pain shooting through my ribs as i try to catch my breath. I look up to see another gorgeous man,
Only this one looks better than the other and he look much taller and stronger.

"I..i..i'm sorry" i half wheeze half stutter. "Whatever stay the fuck out of my way bitch" i her him say and i immediately scoff. "What does everyone around here act like they're top shit?" I grumble pushing past the
wall and the groups of people who where huddled around us.

I push through the doors of the girls bathroom wheezing in pain. Im in my hands and knees as i begin coughing rapidly.

I become shocked as i notice i just coughed up a lot of blood, my chest is immaculately sore as well as my healing ribs.

I get up and wipe my mouth, and stagger out of the bathroom still coughing.

At least the hallways are pretty much empty and no one is daring to help me that is until i feel someone catch me as i begin to fall.

"Woah there you alright" i hear the deep voice ask and i nod pushing him away and wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Yeah" i say gasping for air "babe I'm afraid you're not and i'm taking you to the hospital" he says and i finally give in. "Im...gasp.. Ava" i tell him "I'm Marcus" he tells me.

So i hope you liked chapter one, um if you want more please vote, follower and comment

- Xox Allie

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