The grand escape: chapter 8

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I was with Bee cade and Shane. We we're going to.get inside and cade would go inside and see what they are doing to the dead or offlined autobots. "I thought I heard a noise one day in my house. Was that you?" Care asked. "You have the knack of bringing of the wrong conversations at the wrong times man." Shane replied. I laughed. The scanner gaurd guy came up and scanned Shane's badge. We drove in and we got out of bee.

"At least they're making cooler cars than this." I heard shand say and bee punched Shane with his steering wheel. "What-did-you-say-bout-me? Now-get-out." Bee said. "Thats what you get for being a wise ass." Cade said to him. I laughed and walked towards the lab door and grabbed a lab coat and put my hair up in a ponytail. I walked around the corner with cade and I didn't believe what I saw...ratchets head was being melted. Cade took out the drone he hacked and sent a live video footage to the others. "You see my camera? They're melting ratchet." I could imagine optimus' rage right now.

I was looking around when two guards can from nowhere and started chasing me a cade. We ducked under a wall, ran and jumped a security thingy, and we nearly got out but we got caught. They slammed me against the wall and cuffed me and cade. I growled and pulled at the grip of the men. "I can walk in my own thank you!" I yelled and reluctantly got in the elevator. "Impersonation of coorperation espionage and breaking and entering. Thats a awefully bad crime to have to commit." Joshua said. I scoffed and refused to get out of the elevator. When I did I got shot in the leg and was left in the elevator.

I pressed the laboratory button and rode down there. My leg was bleeding and I had blood all over my hands. "Hurry up you bitch of a elevator." I said hitting the side. It finally stopped on the lab floor and I limped over into the mayhem of the autobots destructive paths. My leg was bleeding slowly now but it was still fast enough to make me bleed out. "C-crosshairs! CROSSHAIRS DOWN HERE!" I said as he stopped destroying shit and helped me onto his servo.

"What happened to your leg?" He said gritting his dentas. I looked at it and ripped off my pants leg and wrapped it around the wound. "Assholes shot me for refusing to get off the fucking elevator. But I'll be fine." I told him patting his servo. And I swear sparks were sent up my hand. "Joshua Joyce is about to come down that bloody elevator so just be ready optimus." I told him and rested on crosshairs shoulder. This was about to get ugly.


A special thanks to @Solarflareprime
For the idea of this chapter. I will be updating again tomorrow or whenever I am able.

One For The Taking Can Turn Into One For The Making(crosshairs X human)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora