Optimus Prime arrives: chapter 3

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Hey guys I really would like it if u could comment ideas or tell me how I'm doing. Also! I'm gonna do a drift love story soon enough! I hope you like and now to the story!

I woke up on the shoulder of a familiar green. I sat up and stretched looking up seeing that it was still 4:00am. I carefully stood up and looked at crosshairs facial features....his nose was just right and his face was calm and stern. I also noticed he was asleep and I smiled at it. I took another long look and saw he had a metallic chuck Norris like beard, he had goggles of two different sizes and colors, and his face plate had some scratches but not very visible. I stared at his face and wondered. 'Why did I find you? Why does he trust me, I'm a human and my stupid idiotic race is hunting you guys.'

I stared at the stars and saw my zodiac sign, the fish, Pisces. My zodaic showed my inner peace, calm personality, kindness, generosity, and how I hide my fear and sadness. But what people didn't know about Pisces people is that they never give up, have the strength of 10 men, and have more courage than others. I was special.

'Maybe I was meant to find them. Maybe I was meant to help them with what's to come. Even if it's dangerous, I won't back down.' I smiled at my thoughts and then was scared my crosshairs Aussie accent. "What ar' ya' staring at missy? Like what you see?",he said. I jumped and nearly fell to the hot desert floor, but crosshairs caught me. "Nothing. Just thinking about stuff." I replied to him. He nodded and smirked. "You know...when prime gets here you're going to have a lot to explain.",he said stretching his arms. I nodded and looked around, it was already 6:30am. I stared at him for that long....woah.

I looked around and my stomach growled loudly earning a stare from drift, bee, and crosshairs. But hound thought it was funny chucking loudly. "What? I'm starving." I said earning another chuckle from hound. "Crosshairs you need to take her to where she can get food.",said Drift. I looked at cross and he sighed transforming. I ran up and gently sat in the drivers seat. The seat belt buckled on it's own and tightened. Crosshairs sped off and into the town. "Can I stop and get something from KFC?".I asked pointing. He drove into the drive thru and rolled down the window.

I ordered and he drove off back to the others. I ate not getting any crumbs in his alt mode. I finished and threw out the trash...littering. "calling all autobots! Calling all autobots!" Came through his radio and crosshairs zoomed forwards. I smirked. Crosshairs transformed with me inside him and put me on his hand after I fell out of him. I was then put on his shoulder and held on as he ran. It was moments like these that bonded two people together. I held onto his shoulder and smiled as he ran.

As he ran I saw a red and blue blurr pass us and drift to a stop. Crosshairs stopped and bounced on the balls of his pedes. "Mr leader of the free galaxies back! I knew you'd make it never doubted ya." He said. Drift transformed beside us and slapped crosshairs arm,"sensei we've been waiting." Then hound yelled,"he'll yeah! boom time! We got the gang back together." I then watched as three people stepped out of the now un-blurry Peter built transfer truck. It shifted and transformed into a tall autobot. "Humans have asked us to play by their rules.....well the rules have just changed.",he said. I had an idea of who thus is...Optimus Prime.

One For The Taking Can Turn Into One For The Making(crosshairs X human)Where stories live. Discover now