9. Create an Account

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  Dan covers the camera and ends the video. I flop back on the duvet, exhausted. We must have done four or five takes of the same video, but I have a feeling that this is the one.
   "You did it, Amy!" Phil says in joy, and I wrap my arms around him. Soon, Dan has joined us, and all three of us are in a group celebratory hug.
  "I think I've finally got over my fear. And it's thanks to you! I can't explain how thankful I am for everything you've done for me-" I say, but Dan cuts me off.
"No, thank you. Fo everything you've done for us. We needed a woman in the house, and having you around has made me and Phil feel like we're in a proper family."
  "Also, we were thinking, maybe you could set up an account?" Phil asks me, and I immediately answer with a yes, earning an excited squeal from Phil as he runs into my room to grab my laptop.

   Okay. Create an account. I set up a quick email, and enter it in the box. Choose an username. Crap.
"What username should I have?" I ask.
"AmazingAmy!" Phil jokingly says, and I chuckle.
"I think I'm just gonna call it Amy Howell, like Tyler Oakley and others. They just have their name."

I enter the name, and yes, it's available. I make a password, and fill in a brief statement about me.
"Let's take a group selfie for the profile picture!" I say, and we all pull stupid faces as I snap the picture on my camera, and Bluetooth it to the laptop.
  "And I think we are done!" I finally say, clapping my hands together.
"Would you like us to let you film your first video?" Dan says, and I nod and go into my room, shutting the door behind me.
I want my account to be singing, I decide. I can do comedy with Dan and Phil. I turn on my keyboard, and position the camera above it.
What should I sing? I want to do a song by Dodie, I decide. Doddleoddle is my favourite YouTuber at the minute (who aren't "technically" my parents)
Record. I start to sing.

Pretty girl with the butterscotch hair,
Your eyes and the sunshine smile you wear.
I can see how you make his soul glow.

Pretty girl with the adventurous mind,
You envision so much you make me look blind.
You spark his life in ways I'll never know.

And I won't hate you but oh it stings,
How does it feel to be adored by him?

Pretty girl, there's no need to fret,
Cause it's midnight, he's drunk and you're the one in his head.
You don't even have to try at all.

Pretty girl, oh he looks at you,
As if life is perfect and the world is new
And in those moments I just feel so small.

And I won't hate you but oh it stings,
How does it feel to be adored by him?

How stupid to think that I could compare,
To the pretty girl with the butterscotch hair.

And I won't hate you, but oh it stings,
How does it feel to be adored by him?

   The camera stops, and I plug it in to my laptop and wait for the video to send across. While it downloads, I download Final Cut Pro. I've never had any use for editing software, but now I do! I start to edit cute text around the side, and film a short introduction to paste in at the beginning as well.
  Just then, my iPhone starts buzzing like mad. They're all notifications. From YouTube. Hundreds of subscribers, all flooding in.

   "Dan? Phil?" I yell as I open the door, and find them adapted to their sofa creases. "Did you post the video?"
"Yeah we did, and gave your YouTube a shoutout on Twitter!"
"Thank you!"

   The video has almost uploaded, and I watch the bar fill up fully, excited and terrified at the same time. It's full. The video is up, and comments start filling up rapidly. But there's one comment that catches my eye, and when it does, I stare in shock, then I scream. "OHMYGODOHMYGODWHATISLIFE!"

doddleoddle: oh my god, Dan and Phil's daughter sang my song?! This is amazing, we should totally collab! You're so talented! Xox

Adopted by Dan and Phil ((completed))Where stories live. Discover now