10. Zoe and Louise

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  I'm still screaming in shock as Dan and Phil race in. "What the hell?" Dan says in shock, as I gabble and try to speak. I give up and hand him my phone, where he smiles, and nods, and says, "You seem to like her, huh?"
"Oh, do I ever, she's my third favourite YouTuber- ever!"
"After who?" Phil pushes.
"After you two," I say, throwing my arms around their shoulders and taking back my phone. "I just didn't freak out in front of you in case you called the army."
"Fair enough!" Dan says, grinning.
I slow down my breathing just a bit - this is not happening!
"Jesus Christ!"
I compose a reply to Dodie- one that sounds actually normal. Already, people have started commenting on her comment, things like "hi dodie" and "OMG DODIE I DIDNT KNOW YOU WATCHED AMY HI"

'Omg hi Dodie! I'm so happy you saw this, ilysm. I would love to arrange a collab, maybe me and my parents can organise something? X'
That sounded normal... I hope?

"Oh Amy, Louise and Zoe are coming round today, but I'm sure you'll get on fine with them, won't she, Phil?" Dan says, and I nod.
"Yeah, I watch their videos sometimes, it'll be fun!"
   I pull up the Twitter app on my phone, and start to compose a tweet:
@amyhowell: @sprinkleofglitr and @zozeebo visiting today! Might even be a sneaky video as well!
  Then I see that Louise has tweeted half an hour ago:
@sprinkleofglitr: Catch up with Dan and Phil today (meeting Amy as well- SQEALL)

   It's hard not to smile when I read that tweet. Even in a tweet, Louise is so bubbly and cheerful. It's not put on, you can tell.
  I'm a bit hungry, so I head into the kitchen, where I see a bowl of Maltesers laid out on the table. I dip my hand in, taking out a lot, when Dan, at the unfortunate same time, comes out of his room.p, catching me in the act.
"They're for Zoe and Louise, you thief!" He yells jokingly, and runs over to the bowl. I expect him to patronise me again, but, to my surprise, Dan takes a big handful and drops them all in his mouth.
"But we can still have some!" He says, with his mouth full. He looks like a hamster. God, no. Do not think about hamsters near Phan. Nope.
   Just then, the doorbell rings. Dan jumps in surprise, and a chocolate ball drops out of his mouth, and rolls under the fridge. "Gross!" I exclaim, and Dan shrugs, while he swallows and races to the door, and hurries down the steps. I hear a door being unlocked and opened, and I hear a "Hi! Hi, Zoe! Hi, Louise!" Sets of footsteps come up the stairs, and I'm looking at Zoella.
"Oh my God, hi! I couldn't wait to meet you!" Zoe says, her face full of excitement, and I smile, swallowing my anxiety. Louise's head appears on Zoe's shoulder, and she literally squeals, and runs to hug me. I am taken aback a bit, but I still smile and say my hellos.
"Me and Zoe were thinking, maybe all of us could do challenge videos for a couple of people's channels?" Louise asks, and she gets various noises of agreements from everyone.
"Shall we film on my channel first, seeing as I'm the newbie?" I say, earning a laugh from Zoe.
"Yes, why don't we film a..."
"Makeup race!" Louise shouts, and Dan mock-groans. "What's that?"
"Half of us have to race to do the other persons makeup, and then we swap!" Louise exclaims, but I see a flaw. "There are five of us," I protest.
"Alfie's already on his way!" Phil says. Almost exactly at that minute, Dan rushes downstairs from a knock at the door, and comes up with Alfie Deyes.
"Right!" Says Louise, clapping her hands together.
"Let's film!"

Adopted by Dan and Phil ((completed))Where stories live. Discover now