Quest Buy

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It was Saturday and you had just woken up. You got dressed excitedly because you wanted to go see Tom. Before you could even open your door, Star and Marco busted in. "Hey Y/n!!" Star said happily.
"Hey." You greeted her while messing with your hair.
"You're not going to go see Tom are you?" Marco asked.
"Yes, why?" You responded confused.
"You're always with him! You never spend time with us anymore!" Star whined.
"Finee. What do you want to do?" You sighed.
"Lets go to Quest Buy!" Star exclaimed. You didn't question it.
Soon enough you were in a strange store called "Quest Buy". You explored while watching multiple objects hurt Marco.
"Woahhhh! What's that!?" You exclaimed.
"That's the pet store part of the store." Star said as you ran towards it.
"I want one of these adorable creatures!" You exclaimed. "Oh well." You said and walked back over to Star and Marco. Your words were heard by a certain demon.

The next day

You woke up to see Tom in your bed staring at you. You didn't scream, you just "majestically" flipped off of the bed. "Woah! Are you okay?" Tom asked concerned.
"I'm great." You said, scrambling to your feet. "What are you doing here?" You asked.
"I certainly wasn't watching you sleep." He said, his eyes shifting to the left.
"Uh huh." You said sarcastically.
"Anywayssss, I got ya something!" He said and handed you a box. You opened it and a small pink puffy thing with wings flew out.
"Awwwwwh!!" You exclaimed and hugged it.
"Do you like it?" He asked, hopeful.
"I love it!" You exclaimed.
"I'm glad, Y/n?" He said.
"Yes?" You responded.
"I want you to meet my parents."

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