Do you have to go?

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"What are you doing here?" Tom asked.
"We came to show Y/n the underworld!" Star interrupted you.
"Oh okay." Tom said buying her lie.
"Let me give you the tour. This is where we burn people's flesh off, this is the combustion room, there's the mutilation center if you're stressed, and that's the break room." Tom said while leading us around and motioning to different places.
"What about the room we saw you in?" You asked.
"Oh, uh that was apart of my private quarters" he answered.
"Well, as "fun" as this was, we're going to go have fun in some other dimension. Get your scissors, Star." Marco insisted.
"Do have you have to go?" Tom asked while looking at you.
"Yes. She has to go." Marco said.
"No." You said smiling at Tom.
He smiles back.

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