Dreams to Action Part 6

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I dream of a better world

One where old cultures are truly respected

Where that respect allows

For the return of artifacts

Like the Parthenon Marbles back to Greece.

Like scared objects back to country

Ancestors and special bark paintings telling of history.

I dream of a better world

One where children are respected

Where they are allowed

To grow, be educated

Regardless of race, colour or creed

Of their parents but still with respect of traditions

So humiliation isn't part of their story

Where individuality can flourish.

I dream of a better world

One where the rich man accepts less

For the betterment of his poorer neighbour

And allows them to live in dignity

So they can provide

the basic human rights for their family.

I dream of a better world

Where we respect our planet home

Enough to recycle not just

throw away. Yes one day we will repair things

And build our buildings to last

No just sandcastles that are torn down.

Plastic and fossil fuels will

give way for the cleaner green

Sun, wind and wave --- Yes I dream.

Do I just dream all these things?

And it will happen? NO!

Dreams have to change into action

It is action that makes the changers

But Am I strong enough?

Am I bold enough?

Am I still capable to do?

So my hope is to continue

Keep up the actions

Of awareness of my own actions first

As I see what must be done and continue.

My action for the Return of Old cultural heritage

Be it with words, poems and art to spread the message.

Allow the collective spirit seek an avenue to speak

The truth of that old culture so those artifacts

can be returned to their origin, the place of their creation.

For the children support those who I can

Even if just one child then at least I can say I tried.

For the rich man-- I can give you nothing except

show you the courage to change yourself enough

to allow yourself to stand aside into the shadows

Allow the sunlight that you block from your neighbours home

So they can at least grow the food for their table, clean water

And provide shelter for their children.

For a greener cleaner world

So there is something left for the children?

Recycle and reuse . Repair and don't make so much rubbish.

Yes manageable goals--- that I must stick too even now

As I slide into the later part of life. Yes even more so now

As I grow closer to the other side of life. All my goals

are just as important as they were when I first set out

On this journey of life. Now just re-affirmed re-said re-do.

Picked up from where I left it dangling--- waiting --- dreams


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