Cast saying au revoir

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Alexa - hey guys tasks so much for reading this story.
Princeton- see u in the sequel
Kelly- read it
Justin- love it
Serenity- it's going to be like this story
Aaliyah- but only kind of different.
Swae- it's going to be a lot of heart breaks
Money and family to come to need.
Ray- u will read us again. See what I did
EB-Shut up ray!
Kendal- we will be in the story often
Mimi- and some if the characters that auditioned
Jordan- and new friends
Rayonna- some cute boys
Ray-*straight face* little girl your only 5 years old
Ryan- HAHAHAHAHA. I got that look that make all them girls drop for me
Ray-*smacks him upside his head*
Prodigy- some death
Roc - some surprises.

Author- well y'all these are the characters saying bye and to see them again in the sequel. The new story is called
Love,Money,Family(Sequel to Adopted by Princeton )
Cast- AU REVOIR!!!!!!!! Love y'all

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