Chapter 6

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Ron and I took it upon ourselves to try to kill Nagini. With Voldemort busy, he left him unattended and venerable. Ron and I had gone into the chamber of secrets to get a baskilisk fang to try and kill him. Things were going okay until Nagini knocked the fang down the stairs, shattering it when it hit the ground.
Nagini slithered toward us, about to strike. Ron and I held onto each other, prepared to die together. As Nagini leapt into the air, Neville came out of no where and cut her head off with the Sword of Gryffindor.

I breathed out in relief and hugged Ron knowing we were safe.
"Neville, you're a hero." I told him.

He smirked, "Well..."

Something was odd. No one was fighting anymore. The death eaters were gone. Ron, Neville, and I headed outside and saw why. Voldemort was on the ground, withering away.

"It's done. It's over." Ron said.

Joy came over us as we realized that we would never have to worry about Voldemort ever again.

That's how it all happened. That's how we defeated the darkest wizard of our time, and that's how I fell in love with Harry Potter. Now here I am, a year later, alone.
Something inside Harry changed when he defeated Voldemort. It was almost as if he had PTSD. Things were okay for a while, but they slowly got bad.

Harry and I moved in together, we had an apartment...actually it was this apartment I have now. We were in love and happy.
When Harry started having nightmares again, I got worried. Every night he would wake up screaming for one of our friends who had died. The first night it was Fred, then Dumbledore, Snape, Dobby, the list goes on and on. I insisted on him taking some therapy, but of course he didn't listen. We lived with each other for about a month until he dropped the news on me.
"Hermione, we need to speak."

"Oh...alright. Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"No. I'm not okay." He replied, "I can't get it all out of my head."

"Harry, it'll be okay. It'll go away. If we get you into-"

Harry slammed his hands on the table, standing up straight, "I don't want therapy!"

Shocked, I took a step back, "I-I'm sorry, Harry."

When he didn't reply to me, I walked toward the kitchen and started preparing dinner. Maybe food will get his mind off of things. I started making his favorite meal, when I accidentally dropped a pan.

Harry drew his wand, "Sectumsempra!"

I quickly jumped out of the way, nearly missing the spell. Now on the ground, I began to cry.

"Hermione you can't do that!" He yelled.

"Like I meant to!" I screamed back, standing up.

"I just I can't-" he stopped his sentence.

"Can't what?!"

"I can't do this anymore!" He yelled, "It's too much!"

I was taken back.
Too much?
"I'm too much?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, you are." He admitted, crossing his arms.

"I'm not the one waking up screaming in the middle of every night! I'm not the one who lost his mind and nearly killed someone just then!" I spat back at him. "If anything, you're too much!"

"I'm leaving tomorrow." He said, walking to our room, slamming the door shut.

Tears ran down my cheeks and I ran out of the apartment balling. The first person I went to was Ron. Ron has always been there, and although I didn't love him romantically, I loved him and our friendship.

Ron helped me through the whole thing. The heart ache, the countless nights I needed someone to sleep with me, and when I needed to vent. He basically became my girlfriend.
I can't thank Rom enough for that. It's been a good few months since I've seen him as well. I miss him.
Before making lunch, I heard a knock on my door. "Who could that be?" I asked myself.
I was shocked when I opened the door. Tears swelled in my eyes as I looked at the familiar face of one of my best friends.
"Ronald Weasley." I said in almost a whisper.

Ron smiled wide, "Hello Hermione."

I couldn't help but jump into his arms in excitement!
"What are you doing here?!"

"I have some news from Professor Mcgonagall." He replied, setting me down.

"Mcgonagall?" I asked, "Oh! Come inside!"
Ron stepped inside and took off his coat. I led him to the couch and poured him a cup of coffee.
"Is something wrong at Hogwarts?"

"No! It's rather good news!" He exclaimed, slipping on his coffee. "She would like for us to...supervise, if you will, at Hogwarts this year for the reopening."

"So, she wants us to be mentoring almost?" I asked.

"Yes! Mentor! She says it'll be reassuring to the students and it'll make her proud knowing we are setting a good example." Ron explained. "There's just one problem."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I can't get Harry to agree to do this."

My heart dropped at the mention of his name, "Oh. I see."

Ron moved closer to me on the couch, "Hermione?"
Oh god I know exactly what he's going to ask.
"How about you ask him?"

"I don't know, Ron. What makes you think he'll listen to me?" I asked nervously.

Ron threw up his hands, "He always listens to you!"

"He always listened." I corrected him. "I haven't spoken to him in a year. I'm not sure how he'll react or if he'll even answer the door."

Ron put an arm around me, "Look, just because you two had a falling out, doesn't mean he doesn't still care."

He had a point. We were friends for over seven years. Harry has got to have some good morals still...right?
I stepped into Harry's beautiful walkway. He had a gorgeous garden lining his porch and a grand entry way. I guess being the "Chosen One" had its perks.
My heart started beating a thousand times a minute as I stepped closer to his door.
Why am I so nervous? It's just Harry.
Finally, I knocked. I waited and waited and waited. For a good couple of minutes, no one came to the door. I decided to just come back later and started to walk off.


I turned back around and saw him standing in his doorway, "Hello Harry."

He stepped out of the doorway and made his way towards me. "Is everything alright?"

I nodded, "Yes. I came to convince you to come stay at Hogwarts for a few months with Ron and I." I explained, "Will you?"

"Ron sent you, huh? Well I suppose if you really want me to, I will." He answered.

Was it really that simple? Just like that?
"Oh. Alright. Well we leave Monday morning." I told him.
Why was that so easy?

"Great. I'll see you then?" He smiled.

"Yes, see you then."

I started to walk off when Harry called me again, "Oh. Hermione?"

"Yes, Harry?" I asked, looking to the corner of my eye.

"It was good seeing you."

I had to leave before I started crying, so without replying, I got into my car and drove off.

Yay!! Hope you guys liked it!
After this fanfic should I make a Draco one?? It'll be way different.
Idk let me know in the comments!


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