Chapter 5 - FINAL

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The next few days went by unusually with numerous memories recalled. Everyone thought  that perhaps Ivan would have already at least remembered something about (Name) but that was the only thing he failed to truly recall. Only glimpses of his heartfelt moments came to mind once in a while but that was it, nothing more. His friends, or that's what he called the people around him, had shared multiple conversations and sentiments of (Y/F/N) and it triggered only anything but who (Name) was. Asking for a straight answer would only result in people opening and closing their mouths before replying, "I'm sure it's better for you to remember it yourself," and other things along the lines, before immediately leaving  with guilty faces. 

Until one day...

It was another cold summer afternoon in Russia when Ivan's shouts filled the entire house. Eduard and Ravis had raced up the stairs to see Ivan having a tight grip on Toris' collar.

"Why! Why didn't you tell me? Why did you put through all that pain of trying to remember what happened to (NickName)? How could you?! Do you know the trouble and pain I went through, only to realise that I forgot that my dear (Name) was...dead?" the last word was choked out like a forbidden word.  Toris could only speak calmly, his green eyes glancing at the ground solemnly. 

"I'm sorry, Mr.Russia. I- We just figured that it might be better on your heart and mind if you remembered the incident yourself," he whispered, but loud enough for the two men to hear. 

It was a car crash on a day just like any other. That's right, no proposal, no anniversary, just a simple road trip date with just the two of them. They were driving smoothly along a straight road when the lorry a way apart from their car skidded to a halt. Ivan immediately swung the car to the right, in a blind attempt to prevent themselves from crashing into the back of the large vehicle. 

"Ivan, watch out!" (Name)'s voice shrieked, but it was too late, the car in front of them was about to crash into them as well and she threw her (s/c) body in front of the Russian man just as the windshield shattered, along with his heart. Shards of glass and pierced (Name)'s face and chest, causing her to bleed profusely. Ivan's purple hues widened in shock as the scene of red disappeared amidst the black. The impact of the entire car crashing into theirs had caused him to collide against the glass window, the air bag doing only so much to cushion his fall before it burst from the remnants of glass. One could only see a trail of blood left from the wound in Ivan's head. 

(Name) was gone, gone from his life, gone from this world, gone from all existence and he had forgotten all that...


A/N: Don't worry it isn't going to really end here. There's still the epilogue but I'm scrapping the idea of creating double endings because in the end, (Name) would die somehow anyways. The original alternate ending was to have (Name) survive in the incident but remain in an unresponsive, vegetative state, only to meet her death soon afterwards anyways. But don't worry, I assure you the epilogue will be a bittersweet ending that should at least put your hearts to rest. Until then, everyone!

UPDATE [2/6/2016]: I lied, I'm sorry. I just don't have any more motivation or ideas for the epilogue. It seems like the story feels a lot more complete left like that. Once again, I am very sorry for the false hopes.

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