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Once I had regained my composure roughly around 20 minutes later, I raced back to the house to check out the mansion I had heard about for quite some time from Farkle. My first thoughts were WHOA.... The entry room was the size of my whole apartment and my eyes nearly popped out of my head with disbelief. Zay walked into the room and saw me, with my jaw dropped.

    "There you are, Hart! We were thinking about sending out a search party.." he said sarcastically while looking around.

    "Holy...." I mumbled almost inaudibly.

    "I know right. And this is only the first room. C'mon. Riley, Farkle, and Lucas are in the kitchen. Each of us has our own bedroom upstairs and you're gonna pass out when you see 'em. But come meet Farkle's aunt and uncle. They're hecka chill."

    "Zay, you are the only person I know who would think of calling two 60-year-olds 'hecka chill'," but I followed him into the kitchen none the less.

    I wouldn't even call the room a kitchen. It was more like the world's biggest pantry with every food you could think of lining the walls. I must've let out a gasp because Lucas started chuckling and giggling at my reaction to the glorious sight. After punching his arm playfully, he mock-mouthed the words "OW!" in reply. After rolling our eyes at each other, I realized there were other people in the room and turned to face Farkle's aunt and uncle. Feeling embarrassed it took me so long to acknowledge them, I apologized profusely for my ignorance.

    "Nonsense, dear. You and your boyfriend are adorable. In fact, you two remind me of Derek and I when we were first together," Mrs. Minkus said rather lovingly to her husband.

    Wait... did she just say boyfriend?

    "Um.. I'm afraid you're mistaken Mrs. Minkus, Maya and I are just friends," Lucas quickly replied, clearly as confused as I was at her statement.

    "Totally! We've just been friends for a long time, that's all," I added trying to explain to them politely.

    Looking at us skeptically, Mrs. Minkus slyly answered, "I see."

    Glancing at her husband as if telling him what she thought telepathically, she looked back and said, "Well, I'm afraid Derek and I must be off. We have a banquet to attend to, but you kids may help yourselves to anything!"

    Her words came out extremely doubtful and distrusting, which gave me a strange, queasy feeling in my stomach. The words she said seemed almost EVASIVE.

    Pinching Farkle by the cheeks, she added, "But not you, nephew. Your parents gave us strict orders to starve you."

    Laughing at her own joke, she and her husband walked out the door and left the 5 of us in their huge house all alone.

    "YOU SEE! I told you they were the bomb," Zay said to prove his point to me.

    "Whatever," I said, still mulling over Mrs. Minkus's comment about Lucas and me.

    Were we really acting like that? I was sure I had no feelings for him? Right? Why was this the first time I had heard that we looked like a couple? AND WHY do I care so much??

    All at once, Farkle, Riley, and Zay started laughing so hard that they doubled over. Lucas and I glanced at each other as if to say do you know what this is about? Riley actually nearly fell over after she laughed with water in her mouth, nearly choked on the water, and still continued laughing.

    "You wanna ask them?" Lucas asked me, clearly wanting to know what had them in tears of laughter.

    Sure, why not.

    "What are you guys practically DYING over?!?" I had to nearly shout over their snort-laughing.

    Riley, Zay, and Farkle looked at each other and looked back at us. Calming down before they spoke, the look of amusement never left their eyes.

    "You tell 'em," Riley said as she nudged Farkle.

    "Ugh fine. We just thought that it was slightly funny that my 60-year-old aunt and uncle were the ones to point out that you guys looked like a couple in front of you, rather than all the other people that were curious," Farkle blabbered without caution.

    Lucas's and my faces must have looked mortified because Riley quickly finished Farkle's careless statement that he had said with such unimportance for something so significant.

    "Look, the 3 of us know you two aren't dating. So do our parents. And that's really all that matters," she said comfortingly.

    But I wasn't so easily convinced. Her tone sounded too.. kindergarten teacherish for this situation and Riley never babied me over serious topics. I wanted to convince them that we really didn't have feelings for each other, but I knew they wouldn't listen. And even if they did listen, was I really all that sure that I didn't have feelings for him?



the only exception, a maya hart storyWhere stories live. Discover now