Falling and Vows

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Screaming filled Perci's ears. Her eyes popped open and her hand flew to her wand immediately. She stood from her bed and glanced at the clock. 1:23 A.M. Damn. Perci shuffled through her attic door. She squinted in the dark before muttering Lumos. Her wand now lit she trudged carefully through the hall, listening for the slightest sound. Perci opened the door to her old room and closed it, hearing George's loud snores. She checked Ginny's room–nothing wrong. Nothing was wrong with Harry and Ron's, nor Hermione's. Perci came across Fred's room, the door creaked open. She pushed open the door slightly and flinched as Fred screamed again. His body contorted in his sleep. Perci set her wand down and went to his bedside.

She kneeled to his level and grabbed onto his chest and shoulder. "Fred?" She said, shaking him slightly. His face was pale, paler than normal. His skin was coated in cold sweat. His lip was bleeding from where he bit it the other night and must've tore the skin again. She cupped his face, wiping away the sweat and tears. "Fred, it's just a dream, wake up." She said gently. His screams soon became sobs, his eyes opened, red and puffy. He grabbed onto her and unknowingly dragged her onto the bed. Perci wrapped her arms him and stroked his hair, gently shushing him. "It was just a nightmare, Fred. You're okay."

"But he's not." Fred choked out. Mr. Weasley. He was still in the hospital even though it had only been a day since the attack. The Weasley kids and Harry were sent from Hogwarts a few days early for the holiday break to recuperate. "You're not." Fred cried harder.

"Both your father and I are fine. He's going to be okay, Fred. It's alright. Shhh." She soothed, wiping his tears away. His labored breath soon became slowed. Fred laid his head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. It was slow and steady. It soothed him. His eyes drooped and his body relaxed into hers. Perci looked down at him–asleep. She let out a breath.

Perci wasn't sure how good she was at comforting people. She never really had to. Back at camp, you couldn't show that kind of weakness or else the Ares cabin would make you regret it for the rest of your stay. Perci smiled, remembering her fights with Clarisse and how Andrew always got her out of them alive, somehow. Gods, she missed those losers.

Perci looked down at Fred and his tight grip on her. She sighed. Might as well get comfortable. She couldn't help but feel a giddy smile come across her face. She was sleeping with a boy. Sometimes she forgot she was a teenage girl with hormones and feelings.

Somehow, Fred wasn't just Fred anymore. He wasn't the goofy-looking first year she took under her wing in her second year. He was this strong man who felt things, something Perci hadn't really noticed. Not to mention he wasn't bad looking with his tousled red hair and his warm brown eyes, his strong facial structure and his smile. He probably had some abs. Should she check for abs? Nah, better not. Now wasn't the time. Perci snuggled into Fred and his pillow and tried not to drool. She was even happier than the night before.

People always asked her how she told Fred and George apart. It was how they looked at her, their smile when they saw her.


Molly pushed open the slightly creaked door to Fred's room, carrying a tray of food. She had thought it was a good idea. It would keep her busy, keep her mind off Arthur and it would be a treat that all of her children needed. She left it outside each of their doors, but Fred's was open, so why not set it on his bedside table. So, she shuffled through the door and cast a quick charm to light a candle. Molly's eyes widened and her checks turned slightly pink. There, lying on the bed, were Perci and Fred, so close together, they looked like one being. Their legs were tangled together. Fred rested his head in the crook of Perci's neck. Perci's arms were sprawled across his side.

Molly was no stranger of the boys sleeping in the same room, even the same bed, with Perci when they were younger. But this, they were so close. Molly felt as though she was intruding. Should she check if they have any clothes on? Molly's mothering side kicked in. Thoughts of mischievous, sexy, one-year-older Perci taking advantage of her unknowing, sweet but flooded her mind. Her eyes narrowed and she glowered at her.

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