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Perci looked at herself in the mirror; she was beginning to get the color back in her usually sun kissed skin. Her cheeks were getting fuller, due to Fred ordering her eat in front of him to see if she actually consumed the food. Her eyes were dark and gloomy as this day should be, though. Perci reached back, trying to catch ahold of the zipper of her black dress. She struggled for a few minutes, but was soon relieved when Fred came up behind her. He gently placed his hand on her bare back; Perci fought back a shiver that escaped her. His hands were warm. He pulled the zipper up after tracing a few scars on her back.

Fred looked at her in the mirror; as usual, she took his breath away. "You look beautiful." He said, but then flushed a bright pink. "Not that you don't always look beautiful. You're always–you look amazing every–" he stammered. Perci turned around and placed her hand on Fred's cheek. She gave him a small smile.

"I've got you, Fred," she laughed, but then stopped and withdrew her hand.

Fred frowned. "What's wrong?"

Perci shook her head. "We shouldn't be laughing, or–or smiling. It's been a week since Sirius died. We're about to go to his funeral." She sat down on her bed, and put her head in her hands. Fred sighed, kneeling in front of her. He raised her head and took his hands in hers.

"Sirius wouldn't have wanted us to grieve and cry." Fred said gently.

Perci shook her head. "He's dead. He can't want anything."

"Perci, people die–even extraordinary people who deserve to live a happy life, like Sirius. But life goes. I understand that it'll take time, but you need to eventually forgive yourself and move on. Sirius wouldn't have wanted you to do this to yourself." Fred pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and stared into her green eyes, her incredible green eyes. He wanted to kiss her, his lips ached to. But now wasn't the right time. He'll wait. Fred smiled and stood, grabbing her hands, he pulled her up. Perci wrapped her arms around Fred's middle and hugged him tightly. Her head lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She wished it would never stop.

They heard someone clear their throat and broke apart. George stood there,in the doorway, smirking at the two of them. "Funeral's in five minutes." With that he left. Fred and Perci followed quickly behind him to the kitchen where everyone was waiting. Molly embraced the three of them before returning to her seat. Perci took a seat by Harry.

A Ministry office was there to read Sirius' will. His long mustache quivered as he spoke. "Since all of you are now present, I shall get on with reading your godfather's will." He cleared his throat. He unrolled a piece of parchment. "'Well, if you're reading this, I must be dead. Damn. I'm sorry I wasn't there to see either of you grow older and have kids. I'm sorry I somehow fucked up and died. But since I'm dead, I might as well give you my stuff. To Harry I leave most of my possessions. Sorry Perci, didn't think you wanted a mustache comb.'"

Perci rolled her eyes, but smiled. The Ministry official carried on. "'To Perci, I leave you a gift I wished to give to your mother on her birthday before she died. I hope it benefits you some day.'" The man carefully took out a small, velvet box and handed it to Perci. She opened the box slowly. A red and gold pendant lay in it. It didn't seem like anything special, though, Perci felt a deep connection to it. She smiled, a tear escaping her eye. She turned to Harry and motioned for him to help her. Harry took the pendant necklace and connected two ends. She let her hair back down and studied the necklace.

"'To the both of you, I leave my house. Please don't fight over it. It's not even that good of a place.'" Harry and Perci grinned at each other. "'I am eternally grateful I had the chance to see you, Harry, turn into an incredibly strong and good man. And to see you, Perciana, turn into a Phoenix. My bad, a beautiful, young woman. I love the both of you more than everything.'"

The Ministry man soon left, giving them his condolences as if it mattered. The Weasley's gave the two siblings some time alone. They sat there in silence, not sure what to say. Harry broke the silence.

"I, er, found this at the Department of Mysteries. I grabbed it before we ran into you." Harry took out a small vile filled with a black, swirling liquid. He placed it in her hand.

Perci stared at it. "These are my memories." She stated quietly. Harry raised his eyebrows. Perci looked up at him and smiled a teary smile. She grabbed ahold of him and hugged her brother tightly. Harry wrapped his long arms around her small frame and laid his head on her shoulder. Tears brimmed in his eyes. He let out a sob, not caring that the Weasley's were in a room away. He needed his sister right now. Perci soon began to break out into loud crying, too. She gripped him tighter, and together they cried for their loss.


Perci sighed, letting the warm sun wash over her. She looked out into the beautiful orange sky. Her bags were packed. She already explained it to her brother. She couldn't stay here.

"Perci?" Fred said from behind her. She turned slowly.

"Hey," she greeted. Fred joined her and looked down at her backpack. He frowned, but a look of realization dawned across his adorable face.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "Why are you leaving?"

"Fred..." She started, reaching out for him.

He back away with his arms crossed. "No, you can't leave. Not after everything. Not when we just started to-"

"Fred," Perci grabbed his face and made him look at her. "I can't stay here. Not now. I need a distraction. Everything I look at makes me think about him, that man I killed. I didn't even know him and I can just imagine everything about him." She sighed. "I just need some time away. I'm not leaving for good. I would never leave you, Freds." She ran her thumb along his cheekbone.

"But I lov–" Fred began.

Tears slid down her cheeks. Perci couldn't count all of the times she had cried in the past week. "I know," she said, "I do, too."

"Please don't leave me." Fred whimpered.

She shook her head. "I'll be back. I'll always come back to you." She whispered, staring up into his warm brown eyes. "Always." Perci knew who and what she wanted. She stood on her tip-toes, and pulled Fred down show she could reach him. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him with everything she had, every pent up feeling she had for the past year. She put everything into that kiss. After a minute, she pulled away. Perci could've laughed at the profound look on Fred's face. Warm. His lips were warm, just like he was.

"Tell the family I said thank you and you'll hear from me in maybe a month." She backed away from him and turned toward the horizon. Perci climbed onto the railing and with one last look at Fred, she jumped down from the ledge. Fred ran to the railing to see Perci fly up in her Phoenix form, still with her backpack on her back. He watched as Perci, cliche-ly, flew off into the horizon.

Demigoddess in a Wizarding World: The PhoenixKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat