Meetings and Deterioration

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Perci strolled down the halls of Hogwarts after her little meeting with Dumbledore down to the dungeon, where Snape practically lived. She had begun to dread these meetings for Dumbledore made her memorize the entire inside and out of the Ministry. The old wizard forced her to remember wizard's names, room numbers, jobs, the departments, the maps, even the elevators and what floors they went to. She sat in a chair, answered questions, and looked at stuff. As soon as she left the headmaster's office, every little bit of what she looked at and read, was drained from her mind.

Today was the first meeting Perci would have with Snape. She wasn't sure what Snape was going to make her do. She prayed to every god that he didn't make her memorize things. Today was also the first meeting of Dumbledore's Army. Yeah, she was excited that Harry had finally grown a pair and took charge, but she hoped Harry didn't mess up or everyone that was hesitant about him would loose their faith in him and that would ultimately lead to people leaving and the "breaking up" of "the band". Perci cleared her mind as she pushed open the dungeon door. She was immediately greeted with the smell of potions.

Perci smiled, walking up the line of desks, examining the deep set cauldrons with different bubbling and steaming potions. She passed a familiar potion, Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the wizarding world. The scent of firecrackers, strawberries, cinnamon, and the old smell of Sally's blue cookies. She inhaled deeply, her smile widening.

"I would proceeded with caution, Potter," a monotonous voice chimed in. Perci blinked, noticing she had inched closer and closer to the Amortentia. She turned facing the potions master. "You know that brew is very dangerous, you've made it before and yet you still as the muggles say, 'fall under its spell'." Perci rolled her eyes at how naive Snape was with muggles. Perci began to say something, but Snape held up a finger. "You must be more careful when you carelessly waltz around the school. I had to shush many of the paintings that saw you."

"I'm sorry if I wanted to walk in the castle and not have to fly for once. I really don't like being in the air that much." Perci sat at one of the desks.

"No need to apologize, but do try to be less of an idiot next time." Snape replied, taking a book off of the shelf by his desk. "We mustn't waste anymore time. Come into my office." He left her without another word. Perci signed, rising from her seat, and followed him. Snape motioned for her to sit in the chair opposite of him.

"Please don't tell me your gonna make me memorize stuff." Perci groaned, as he threw her a book.

Snape ignored her comment. "Turn to page 94."

She flipped through the handwritten pages. She read the title. "Pain management and mind clearing." She looked up at Snape. He wore a small smirk as he pointed his wand at her. "Oh shit."

"This is the first step to your resistance of fire." The tip of his wand, newly alight, was an inch from her face. She could feel the heat radiating off of it.

"So your gonna light my fucking face on fire?" She yelled. "I know I'm hot, but I don't think fire would make me hotter." She smirked. Andrew, though, would've smacked the back of her head. 'This is not the time for bad puns!' He would say.

Snape, with the roll of his dark eyes, took her hand. "Place your hand on the flame and keep it there." Perci grimaced, but complied. Maybe her waning water powers could help. Her hand hovered over the fire. With a deep breath she touched the flame with the palm of her hand.

All she could think about was the pain Snape was causing to her hand and how she was probably going to burn to death. In a matter of seconds her hand flew back with a loud scream and she was as far away from the fire as she could be. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?!" She yelled at Snape.

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