Kaijo High

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Kaijō High was a beautiful school filled with smart students of all types. Among those students was one Kise Ryouta. The teachers never bothered him, even when he was on his phone. Today was no different. He sat in the corner of the room and stared dreamily at his phone screen.

His classmates looked at him funny, wondering if he was sick. Truth was, Kise missed his boys. The GOM were closer than anyone thought. The only other that knew was Momoi and the now Seirin team.

Kise has snapped random photos of his boyfriends when each wasn't looking. Some of them were from games they had had against each other, a few from when they hung out over the weekend, and one or two from a fun time they had together. They all had to hide their relationship from everyone. Not only was being gay frowned upon in general in Japan, but there were six of them. Not just a traditional couple.

Hiding from everyone stresses them all out, and Kise was close to breaking from it all. He was staring at a particular picture he had taken of them at Aomine's apartment of them playing a video game. Which was rare for them.


Said blonde jolted upright in his seat to see his captain in front of his desk, glaring at him.

"Sempai! What are you doing here?" Kise asked, confused. Didn't the other need to be in class? Kasamatsu gritted his teeth at the other.

"School is over," he growled. "You didn't come to practice and I heard that you've been out of it all day and that you haven't moved from your seat in class. Stop daydreaming about whatever you've been thinking of and come to basketball practice!"

"Huh?" Kise looked at the time and his eyes widened when he realized that school was indeed over for the day.

"We're having a practice game against another school today, so hurry up!"

"Yes, sempai!"

Kise was still so surprised that he had spaced out the whole day. It sucked that he almost never got to see the others, except for the occasional basketball game they had together. He sighed as he and his captain made the short journey to the gym.

Kise ran out back to the changing room and didn't notice the concerned frowns of his teammates. "I wonder what's wrong with him?"

"I don't know."

"He's acting like a love-struck school girl," Kasamatsu grumbled. The team laughed in agreement, suddenly not as worried anymore.

"Yes he does," Moriyama agreed. "I wonder if he has a girlfriend we don't know about."

Seirin walked into the gym as the Kajio team grinned at each other.

"Hey captain, do you think we should've told Kise about Seirin coming for the practice game?"

"Why?" Kasamatsu asked, frowning at the question. Kise came out of the changing room and his golden eyes widened at seeing Seirin in the gym.

"Kurokocchi?" he asked in disbelief, voice slightly raised in pitch. Kuroko looked over with a seemingly blank expression on his face. Kise could see the concern in the sky blue eyes. The blonde smiled slightly to try and alleviate that concern and turned back to his team.

"That's it?" Kasamatsu asked with an eyebrow raised. Usually, Kise made a big deal that Kuroko was there. Kise's smile faltered slightly as he nodded. Kasamatsu frowned at the expression before nodding. "Okay, let's start then."

"Kise-kun," Kuroko said, walking up to the blonde on the way to the guest bench. Kise looked down at the other.

"Yes, Kurokocchi?"

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