Touou High

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Birds chirped in the quiet morning, flying in the blue sky as a boy lay on the roof of Touou high just watching them. He sighed, wishing he could be free do what he wanted to as the birds in the sky could. He missed his boys.


"Shit," the boy murmured under his breath. He knew it wouldn't have taken Momoi that long the find him, but he just wanted to sulk in peace. He tilted his head back slightly to see his pink-haired friend's head peak over from the top of the ladder. "What do you want, Satsuki?"

"Mou~" she frowned at him. He scowled and turned away from her. He just wanted to be alone. He threw his arm over his face and waited for her to continue. "I'm worried about you, Dai-chan! You're moping even more than usual. You haven't been going to practice anymore either, you were doing so good too!"

Aomine didn't say anything, but he 'tsked' under his breath and smoothly stood up. He grabbed his bag and jumped off of the top roof just as the warning bell rang for class. Momoi only frowned in his direction before taking off to class as well. She texted Kuroko, knowing that something had to be done.

'Tetsu-kun. Dai-chan is becoming more depressed every day. It's like what you said happened to Ki-chan and Mido-chin.'

She didn't get a response from him, but she knew he had read it. The day passed by slowly for both of them. Classes were boring for the basketball player. He wished he could go let off some steam. Or be with his boys.

Playing basketball was something they all craved. They all felt closer to each other, even if they weren't on the same court. Sometimes it was the thought that counted. He was just glad that it was Friday. That meant he could play basketball all weekend or hide in his apartment all weekend.

Aomine ignored everything all day, but when the bell rang at the end of the day he couldn't escape Momoi. She stood at his desk with her hands on her hips. "What?"

"You're coming to practice today!" she demanded, grabbing his wrist before pulling him out of his seat and dragging him down the hall. Aomine sighed but allowed her to drag him to the gym. Everyone was already there when they both showed up. Imayoshi glanced over, shocked that the boy had actually made it that day. He had been skipping practice again.

"Alright, let's start!" the captain yelled. Aomine rolled his eyes but left the gym to head to the locker room. He needed to change into his practice clothes. He walked back into the gym and watched his teammates playing in a practice match against each other. He rolled his eyes.

"Pathetic," he murmured under his breath. Momoi sighed in defeat but walked over to the boy.

"Why don't you help them then, Dai-chan?" she suggested, watching him for a reaction. His eyes widened as he turned to her.

"Help them? With what?" he asked. Momoi smiled gently at him.

"Teach them!" she said. He sighed, turning to look back at them. He wondered if it would be worth it. He could see the passion of each player as they played. Vaguely, he wondered if they would actually want to be taught by him.

"Fine," he said, looking away. Momoi grinned triumphantly, seeing that her distraction technique worked perfectly.

"Alright, listen up!" she called out, walking towards the team. They stopped and looked over towards her, wondering what she wanted. "Dai-chan agreed to teach you guys!"

"Teach us?" Sakurai asked, brown eyes wide. Aomine rolled his eyes.

"Ya, but I won't teach you everything. Just a few things to help you out, I guess," he said. He could tell that his team was excited at the prospect of being taught by a member of the Generation of Miracles. He rolled his eyes but walked towards them. It couldn't be that bad, right? They all looked at him with eager eyes and felt a sharp emotion that he hadn't felt in a while. Pride. "Alright, let's start."

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