Chapter 10, Part 2. Never Have I Ever

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Hey guys! So this is the end. I might do an epilogue if you guys want. Or a sequel. Anyone into kickthestickz? It was really great writing and having all of your feedback, so many thanks. You guys are great! 


Dan’s POV

“Dan, did you seriously just break the tripod?”

“Pffft. No.” Phil shot a look at me. “Well, maybe. A bit.”

He sighed and held out a hand for the broken contraption. He looked it over, then screwed some things in tighter. “I don’t think you broke it, so much as loosened everything to falling out.”

“Which amounts to basically the same thing.” Chris said as he walked in. “Blueberry?”

I glanced at the container of dried fruit. “Thanks.” I flicked it towards Phil’s face. Almost dropping the camera, he went for it. My eyebrows shot up as the berry landed on his tongue. 

“PJ!” Chris yelled. “I think Phil just won at life!”

“What about me?” I asked. “I was the one who threw it! I deserve some recognition here!”

Phil set down the camera and walked over, enveloping me in a hug as Chris giggled to himself and said, “Oh, I’m sure some recognition will definitely be going on later tonight!”

“Shut up, Chris.” came my eloquent reply.

“Yeah.” Phil agreed. “You’re just jealous of our epic love.”

Chris glanced between us, his mouth half opened and an eyebrow raised. “Uh...”

PJ chose that moment to walk in. He sighed, glancing around at the three of us. “What did you do this time?”

“Well, Dan almost broke the tripod, then Chris made fun of us.” Phil said.

“Why don’t we just start filming?” I suggested. Everybody nodded in agreement as I set up the now fixed tripod. I turned it on and adjusted the focus. “And... There.” I flounced back to where Phil, Chris, and PJ were sitting

“Hello, people of the internet!” I began. “As you can see, the Fantastic Foursome in back!”

“New and improved-” Chris broke in, “And in India!”

Phil nodded. “We took a vacation.”

“But you don’t want to hear about boring old real life stuff.” I said. “So today, we’re going to play...” Silence. “Any ideas?” I asked. Chris shook his head. “PJ?” 

“We could play truth or dare?” he suggested.

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