Part 20- ''You know, this is like something out of a movie.''

Începe de la început

''We are today to celebrate the joining together of these two lovely people.'' The priest smiled out to the people in the church before returning his gaze back to Nathan and Kirsty. ''Lovely.'' I rolled my eyes as I spoke with a hushed tone. 

The priest joined Nathan's hand with my mum's and I just knew that I couldn't sit through this. I couldn't watch them get married. It was too much. 

''But before we start, does anyone have any objections to this couple joining in marriage?'' 

My mum's harsh gaze met mine and I sank down a little more in my seat as she scowled. Whereas as I flicked my look to Nathan's, his eyes were pleading with mine to say something; to set him free from her. I half smiled, knowing I didn't have the guts to do it. And I knew she'd hurt me if I did.

''Lets get one with it then.'' The priest smiled.

My mind wondered back in time, thinking about me and Nathan together. We'd had good times, for instance:

''Kayla, slow down!'' Nathan panted from behind me as he ran to catch up with me. I stopped running and turned to face him. 

''Its raining, hurry up, I wanna get home!'' I told him and he came to a halt on front of me. He bent over so that his hands rest on his knees and he caught his breath.

''Wow, you can run!'' He exclaimed. 

''It's what athletics does to ya!'' I winked and he chuckled, returning to his usual height. 

''Come ere.'' He smiled, reaching out his hand to grab mine. I gladly took it and stepped close to him. Paper could barley fit between us right now. 

Our faces so close, I could smell his minty breath blowing gently on my face. My eyes closed as his lips pressed to my head, and then lowered to my nose. I giggled, almost sounding like a little girl as he made me feel like one. He made me feel like we were so young and happy. 

Teasing me, he pecked the corners of my mouth. Saving myself however, I pulled his face to mine and gently kissed his lips. 

''You know, this is like something out of a movie.'' We heard Max say from next to us. Jumping apart, we were faced with all of the other boys chuckling at us. 

We were teased all night about it by them.

Then there was the worse times between us. I hated arguing with him, but we always made up;

''Nathan, for god sake I haven't been seeing Jake again!'' i told him for the 100th time. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration, but I had told him loads!

''Then why did I see you two together at the cinema?'' He questioned, knotting his eyebrows together as if he'd won the argument.

''He came over talking to me when I was waiting for Charlie! Anyway, why do you even care?!'' I snapped and he shook his head. ''You've used me enough this week, why don't you go back to Kirsty now?'' I spat at him, annoyed with the interrogation.

''Thats not fair, Kayla,'' he sighed.

''No Nathan, do you know whats not fair? That you make me so happy when we're together but when she comes back, you leave me on my own and I hate it! And once again, I'm sad again!'' I threw my hands up in the air dramatically just to push my point across further.

''I don't mean to hurt you like that.'' Nathan nodded. ''I love you, you know that don't you?'' He asked. But I remained silent. ''Don't you?'' He urged and I nodded slightly. 

''Exactly, so tell em you love me too and lets forget this.'' He smiled and I sighed, admitting defeat. 

''I love you too.'' I mumbled. 

''Sorry, what was that? I didn't quite hear you?'' Nathan winked, causing me to laugh.

''I LOVE YOU!'' I shouted and he chuckled to himself, pecking my lips softly. 


''Do you Kirsty Machado take Nathan James Sykes to be your lawful wedded husband?'' 

''I do.''

''Do you Nathan James Sykes take Kirsty Machado to be your lawful wedded wife?''

*So guys, am I evil for leaving it there?;)

Sorry for the long update, I've been on holiday!:P

Hope you liked this part, sorry it's not too long but yeah...CLIFFHANGER

Comment with what you think and please vote and fan too!:-)

What do you think Nathan's gonna say???? Let me know!;)

Thank you for reading, I appreciate all the feedback this story is getting!

Lots of love,

Lizzie. x*

Nathan Sykes mum?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum