Part 6- ''I think, I think I'm falling in-''

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Kayla Pov-

My head rest against the door as I listened into their conversation. 

''What have you gotten yourself into, mate?'' I heard Max sigh and I felt my heart break just a little. ''I don't know, Max. I just don't know.'' Nathan replied. And I could picture him in my head, running his hand through his fringe in frustration.

''I'm with her mum, but it's her, Max.'' He responded. ''Why do you even like her mum?'' Max questioned. ''She looked younger when I first saw her, but then I got to know her and I guess I did like her.'' Nathan explained. ''She told me how old she was when we started dating, and I couldn't let something like that get in the way, could I?'' 

''I do like her, Max.'' He finished and my heart sunk further down.

''Her mums coming back soon.'' Nathan stated. ''In fact, she'll be back any minute!'' He exclaimed. ''I better go then.'' Max muttered.

''I'll see you soon mate.'' He said, and I heard the front door close.

Nathan's steps, I heard, on the stairs and I stood up quickly. I pretended to be doing some college homework with the books I already had set out on my desk as he walked in. 

''Your mum will be home in a few minutes.'' He told me, avoiding eye contact. ''Okay.'' I shrugged. He swayed on his feet for a few moments before looking up at me. ''What do you want, Nathan?'' I snapped and he raised his eyebrows in shock.

''For you to stop being in a mood with me! I haven't done anything!'' He shouted and I stood up from my desk. ''I'm not in a mood with you, I'm just keeping my distance.'' I explained, calmly. ''Well can you not?'' He shook his head.

''Why?'' I asked, stupidly. ''Because it's driving me crazy! One minute we're happy, and then we kiss and you seem to hate me for it!'' He told me and I looked down to the floor. ''I don't hate you.'' I croaked, feeling a lump in the back of my throat. 

''Then what is it? Why do you ignore me? Why do you pretend it's not real?'' Nathan questioned and I shook my head. ''You don't understand, do you?'' I sighed and Nathan looked confused.

''YOU'RE DATING MY MUM!'' I practically screamed at him and he lowered his head. ''I-i know I am.'' He mumbled. ''But she's not you.'' He added. ''She's your girlfriend no matter what you say!'' I stated.

''I know she is, but Kayla, you just don't understand! I think, I think I'm falling in-''

''What is going on?!'' A horrified screech came from the doorway and both mine and Nathan's eyes met my mums.

Shit, the word that just came to mind. 

''What am I hearing?'' My mum asked, holding her head in her hands. ''What? Nothing was going on!'' I said, trying to think of a cover up. ''Yeah, we were practising Kayla's drama!'' Nathan inputted, saving me completely. I shot him a look to say thank you and he weakly smiled. 

''Drama?'' My mum questioned and my heart rate sped up, I DIDN'T EVEN DO DRAMA IN SCHOOL! ''Which play is it for?'' She asked, with a smirk evident on her face. ''It's one we wrote ourselves, you know me and my drama group.'' I told her and she nodded. ''What's it about then?'' She snapped and I had an idea.

''Well, it's about a teenage girl, and her mum is dating someone almost half her age. I was practising a scene with Nathan which is where the boy admits he likes the daughter, not the mum.'' I snarled and my mums face flared up. ''Yeah, rehearsals going good!'' Nathan cut through the tension and I relaxed a little.

''I've missed you, baby.'' My mum turned her attention back to Nathan and smiled like an idiot. She flung herself at him, did she think she was attractive that way?

They literally spent about five minutes eating off each others faces, and yes I was jealous. Not that I wanted to eat either of there faces, I just wished Nathan was mine instead. 

My mum opened her eyes in the kissing and evilly smiled at me, pulling Nathan closer, even though it seemed impossible! My heart sunk as they stayed holding each other. ''Nathan, I love you.'' My mum smiled up at him and I saw the colour in his disappear. 

''Uh..I you too.'' He cleared his throat and my mum jumped into his arms, glaring at me the whole time. 

My heart sunk deeper and deeper into my chest, and the lump in my throat from before was even bigger. I wanted to cry but these two were still in my room. I spotted the bag in my room that had some clothes in from the night I was supposed to be at Charlie's, but it got cancelled and grabbed it. 

''I'm staying at Charlies.'' I blurted before squeezing past them.


I walked through the empty streets, I'd been walking for a while. Charlie wasn't in anyway, I just used it as an excuse to get outside, away from those two. I don't know what I was thinking, where the heck was I gonna stay? 

I obviously wasn't wanted, or needed, back there.

I sighed to myself and carried on through the rain. Yes, it was worse than just walking alone, it was raining!

I heard my phone vibrating in my pocket and I saw that Nathan was calling. I hesitated in my head, do I answer it? I rolled my eyes, letting my head be smart.

''Hello?'' I called into the phone. 

''Where the hell are you?!'' Nathan's voice was angry, worried maybe? 

''At Charlie's.'' I lied. ''And now tell me the truth.'' He sighed at the other end of the phone. ''Why do you care? Kirsty'll be waiting.'' I snapped and I heard him grumbling to himself. ''She's gone out and I'm worried about you. You told me the other day that Charlie was away this week so-''

''Leave me alone, Nathan!'' I interrupted him. ''No!'' He protested.

''Where are you?'' 

''I'm not telli-''

''Where are you?'' He asked again, stubbornly.

''The park.'' I gave in, and then he hung straight up on me. 

Sighing to myself, I walked on further, through the rain. I was just wishing that Nathan would stay out of my head because he was all I could think about. But I couldn't like him, could I? He was with my mum, and why would he like me anyway? She's the glammed up one!

I was just Kayla, sarcastic, but I prefer witty, weird old me. But I guess Jake liked it. Well, obviously not enough!

I sat on a bench and waited, waited for Nathan, for anyone.

I just felt so alone.

*I'm like really sorry this is so rubbish but I kind of a writers block:/

I promise the next part will be better! :)

But thanks for reading it anyway, you know I love you guys!

Please let me know what you thought anyway, on the comments!

And please vote and fan me too! You've gotten me so many fans and you have no idea how much I appreciate it!

Aw, I love you all:')

Thanks again,

Love Lizzie. x*

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