Forty-one: scores and master plan

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There are so many things I need to tell them. Because they are my best friends, kind of like the happy family I never had.

"The other night I seeing my dad get hit over the head by know, I'm just lying there, I can't even move...I just, I want to help, you know? But I can't do the things you can do. I can't."

"It's okay," Scott says immediately.

I sigh, not knowing how to feel.

"We're losing, dude."

"What are you talking about?! Game hasn't even started!" Coach appears out of nowhere and freaks the hell out of me. "Now put on your helmet, get out there! You're going for Greenberg."

My heart beats at a speed unknown for me until there. Me? Playing? Like in an actual game? You have got to be kidding me.

And I don't even think about Gerard wanting to kill me via Jackson as I ask: "Me? What happened to Greenberg?"

"What happened to Greenberg?!" Coach laughs. "He sucks! You suck...slightly less."

"I'm playing?" I repeat to myself. "On the field? With the team?"

"Yes," Coach repeats. "Unless you with yourself."

"I already did that today, twice."

This is not a dream. This isn't a dream at all. I'm wide awake, Emma and Scott are here with me, holding a big smile in their faces as they witness the glorious moment when Stiles Stilinski gets to play as first line in a real game.

"Now, get the hell out there!"

I barely have time to collect my stuff and kiss Emma's lips before I have to get to the field.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but I couldn't be happier. Stiles Stilinski is playing. I have to make a mental note to remind me to thank Greenberg for being slightly worse than me.

"Oh, dear God," I say to myself as I swallow hard.

Once the game starts, we're already losing. I don't want to think it's because of me, but I had never played against other people before. They should probably go easy on me.

I catch the ball and I try to look at Emma to show her, but I'm thrown down by a guy three times bigger than me.

Okay, I shouldn't look at Emma to show her the ball, because she probably doesn't care about me catching it; I need to score or something.

Next time it hits my helmet. People start screaming and I get more and more nervous. I'm new in this, okay!

I see my dad, Mellissa and Lydia sitting together with worried faces. Scott and Emma aren't even looking anymore. I must score.

But before I can even move, I realize Isaac is here. Last time I saw him, I thought he'd run away. Uh, funny that he is here now. I hope it's for good though.

He gets on the field without even asking Coach and start knocking down players from our own team.

At first I think he's still brainwashed by Alpha Derek but then I realize his plan is to knock out enough players to let Scott play.

Suddenly, Isaac is knocked down by Jackson. I freeze in my spot as I see Scott get closer to the Beta. I don't know what to do, but I know I must do something. Gerard won't stop.

I get out of the field to go where Emma is.

"What's going on?" I frantically ask.

I feel Gerard's hard stare on me and decide to keep my voice down from now on.

"I don't know!" Emma whispers. "Isaac didn't run away with Erica and Boyd. I think Gerard sent his team to catch them and is angry because Isaac stayed. He wants Derek totally defenseless."

"It's always been him, hasn't it?" I roll my eyes because Derek is ruinning our lives once again.

"They blame the Hale family for Kate's death anyways." Emma bites her lips nervously. "Stiles; you should stay out of the game."

"What? No! I'm finally playing! Look, with Isaac out, Coach has no other choice but to let Scott in. I'll be fine!"

"Just be safe, okay?"

I feel guilty for leaving her with such a worried face, but I have no other choice. I kiss her lips tenderly and go back to the game.

It doesn't work much better than before. I'm knocked down again and Scott suddenly disappears, much for Emma's worry.

Five minutes left and we're still losing.

I don't know what happens next, but the ball is suddenly at my feet. I doubt, but I grab it with my stick and before the rest of the players notice me, I start running in the opposite direction of Danny's goal.

I stand right in front of the other team's goalie. I don't know what to do, this is the moment where I should pass the ball to someone else, but thing is there's no one else. I hear Coach and Lydia and my dad telling me to shoot, but then I hear one voice that gets me out of trance.

It's Emma.

"Shoot it!" she says.

I shoot the ball.

I score.

"I scored a goal? I scored a goal! I scored a goal!"

I hear Emma celebrating and that's enough for my heart to warm forever.

She's proud of me.

Sadly, there won't be time for celebration, because at the end of the game, we win because of me; but lose because of Gerard.

Jackson's lying unconscious on the field and Emma's nowhere to be seen.

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