Chapter 4: This Is Not the End

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Chapter 4: This Is Not the End

“Considering the given circumstances, it has been decided that the custody of Jenna Kate Anderson is given to Katherine Myrtle Scott. The court is adjourned.” And with that the judge brought an end to this case.

I leaped from my seat as I realized I had won this case and it was all because of Ben without him it wouldn’t be possible. For the first time in years I was happy and there was a genuine smile on my face. My heart was pounding in my chest and my legs were jello. Tears were running down my face and my hands were shaking. I was overwhelmed with mixed emotions happiness, fright, anxiety and pride. I could finally give Jenna the love she deserved I was beyond happy.

~ A month later~

I sat on the bench and watch Jenna play in the park, it was finally sunny after a long cold winter. Jenna’s black hair was glistering under the sun flowing in every direction as she ran around the park playing with other kids. It felt nice to see her happy, she actually liked living with me. Jenna is officially my daughter now, in fact she started calling me mum, which was totally out of the blue, I literally melt each time she calls me mum the warmth and love I feel from her touch is beyond my description. I was suppose to meet harry here, it toke a lot convincing from Ben for him agree to meet me here today. No matter how happy I am right now I can just let go of the past, it is always there reminding me of my carelessness and I desperately needed someone to tell me it wasn’t completely my fault.

“Hello Katherine!” came voice from behind.

I turned in around and came face to face with a handsome blond haired, hazel eyed young man who looked in his late twenties. I smiles and raised my hand.

“Hello Mr. Sawyer thanks for taking out time to meet me.” I said kindly.

“No trouble at all! So what did you want to meet me for?” He said as he sat besides me on the bench.

“Straight to the point, I like that! Well… I want to know what happened with Julia.” I said awkwardly.

“Julia and I were good friends she told me a lot about you, in fact she told me a lot of things… How did you find out about me? I thought you and your sister were no longer in touch.” He asked looking at me. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

“I… I wasn’t in touch with her, Julia died a few months back I don’t know the cause of death but she wrote a letter and asked me take care of Jenna, while going through her stuff I came across her journal and I read about you. How James thought you two were in a relation and how she could trust you and confide in you but not me.” I said as I hung my head low in shame because my own sister couldn’t trust me.

“Julia loved you a lot and she didn’t inform you about everything that was going on because of her insecurities, you had nothing to do with it so stop feeling ashamed of yourself from what she has told me about you she couldn’t wish for a better sister than you. Even though I don’t know you personally you are a great person Katherine, don’t be so driven by your past that you throw away your future.” He said in a soothing voice. “Her death was a great loss to every one and no one could be held responsible for it.”

We remain quite for a minute taking it all in until harry decided to speak again

“I have a confession to make…” he paused for a while and took my silence as approval to go on “it wasn’t Julia who wrote the letter it was me.” Those words paralyzed me, I was shocked all this while I under the illusion that I was fulfilling my sister dying wish where as in reality there was nothing like that. I stood up from the bench unable to think properly. “Please hear me out before you leave.” Harry’s voice rang in my ear.

“What else is left for me to hear?” I said blankly

“A lot… just listen to me before you judge me.” He pleaded. I nodded my head and sat down again he started his explanation. “It all started when James lost a bet to match fixers, it was a very huge amount and he couldn’t pay. The debt kept on increasing as they added interest to it, James couldn’t deal with the stress and started drinking and smoking. Then came a time when he use to be so intoxicant that he used to be unaware of his surroundings, he started taking out his anger on Julia. He hated the man he became, he got fired from his job and he was as good as useless but he loved Julia and Jenna a lot. He thought that accusing Julia and hitting her would make her hate him and she would leave him, but she remained firmly by his side. It was after a long time he realized that what he was doing was wrong and therefore he called Julia and I both to the café at the other end of the town and explained every thing to us. We were upset that he didn’t tell us sooner but were happy at the same time that he came around. Julia and I both decided to help him get out of this mess…” he paused and clears his throat “I stayed back to pay for food the food we ate and give some private time to James and Julia, they went out while they were crossing the road a van came, Julia pushed James aside and instead she got hit by the van…” his voice cracked, I knew what was coming next but I was too numb to say anything. Harry swallowed the lump in his throat and continued. “She died on the spot…” those tears which I was holding back started coming out of my eyes and the pain like someone had shot me straight through my heart was back, once again I was in agony. Even Harry had silent tears running down his face, he wiped them off and continued. “The van hit the pole and the driver of the van also died due to the impact. James recognized him as one of the man who worked for the people he owned the money to. James believes it’s his fault Julia died and that it should have been him. After her funeral James started drinking again only this time worst. Thus I wrote that letter to you asking you take care of Jenna while James gets a hold of himself.” He finished and looked at me.

“James is responsible for Julia’s death, I am going to destroy him for sure now.” I said with pure hatred in my voice.

“It’s not James fault Julia just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, you have to understand James may not look sorry but he is completely broken, he is punishing himself every second of every day by staying in that house and keep on reminding himself of his mistakes, he hates himself more than you can hate him… if you can’t help than just let him be the way he is I’ll fix him.” He said.

I had no idea what to do I was once again a complete wreck. Something about this man was urging me to believe him and help him in getting James better. I looked at Jenna and realized that no matter how much I loved I will always be the aunt who adopted her she need her father to support her… she needed James. I looked at Harry with no emotions and said “let’s get your friend back.” He smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug which I did not returned.

“Mommy can we go home” Jenna said in sweet kiddish voice.

“Sure princess lets go.” I held her arm as we walked back home I was unaware of what may happen next but I was determined to enjoy my time with her till she gets back to her father, the James Julia introduce me to, the one who was responsible, kind and caring. Until then Jenna is my daughter and she is my responsibility.

The End

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