Chapter 2: It Was All A Lie

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Chapter 2: It Was All A Lie 

I sat in the arm chair on the front porch looking at the sky it was dark and quite. Yesterday was the first trial and we came hard on James he had no way to defend himself and its inevitable that I am going to get Jenna’s custody. Ben had done a marvelous job on finding dirt on James. James was indeed in hell load of trouble and in no way capable of bring up a child. He had a lot of debts to pay, he was an alcoholic, and he was short–tempered, plus he had history of abuse I was shock Julia never mentioned him being abusive well I will get back at that later for now I think its more than enough to get the custody of Jenna. May be day after tomorrow will be the last trial after all we can always hope for the best.

Tonight, I finally had some hope again yet, I felt numb and scared, and everything seemed to have a mocking edge to it. Some thing just didn’t feel right. I just wanted a reason to smile again and that happiness lay with Jenna, my beautiful and bubbly niece.  I still remember that day like it was yesterday when she born and I held her in my arms for the first time, she was so small and fragile. Her big curious icy blue eyes reminded me of mom. She made me feel alive and wanted.

 I stood up and went to Julia’s room finally having the strength to go through her staff. Knowing that she kept a journal I searched for it in every corner of the room but I couldn’t find it. Therefore I settled with her laptop, there were thousands of picture of Jenna in which the blue eyed toddler was messing around my lips curled upwards as I went through more picture of her, she really was a gift from the God.

In the documents I came across a folder labeled as “journal” with out hesitation I opened it there were a lot of entries starting from 11 March 2009. Curiosity overwhelmed me and I started reading her journal.


Today my princess turned a month old and James and I are so happy she resembles mom so much her eyes, her lips, her smile, everything reminds me of mom! If only she could be here to see it…I miss her…a lot. Anyways today we have a small get together with the Gilbert’s, Anna, Nick and their daughter Lydia are coming for tea hope it all goes well.


Tomorrow is Kate’s 20th birthday I hope she likes her present! Jenna started walking day before yesterday, the moment Jenna took her first five steps James roar with excitement scaring the day light out of Jenna causing her to fall! We couldn’t be any happier :D.


Yesterday was Jenna’s first birthday and I can’t believe it James missed it he ditched us on his daughter’s birthday I am furious! And what’s worse is that he is the one with swollen face! I am so not letting him off the hook for this one!


James has been acting so strange ever since Jenna’s birthday at first I ignored it but now I am getting worried he started drinking and smoking the other day I saw him releasing the puff in Jenna’s face this made me very angry. We ended up having a fight and the most shocking thing is that he slapped me HE SLAPPED ME! I hope things go back to the way they used to be… I am missing my old James who actually cared!


Today was a good day finally after months James was himself he was in good mood he played with Jenna and even took us out for dinner I hope this change is for good!


Today was James and mine wedding anniversary and he forgot about it. Well I didn’t expect him to remember he is getting worst day by day, every night he comes home drunk, him hitting me is daily routine now the other day he pushed me so hard that I actually fell and got a bruise. Apparently he lost his job! Well I am not shocked any one will fire an irresponsible alcoholic like himself…. I wonder why I am still married to him.


Well apparently I am the irresponsible wife who doesn’t look after her husband and is busy mingling with other guys! James accused me of cheating! He thinks harry (his best mate) and I are in a relationship… he just happens to be my co-worker and a good friend of who actually understands… he is the only one with whom I can share my feelings I can’t talk to Kate about it she will think I am weak… life is never fair… well I’ll be spending the week with Kate I hopes she doesn’t get a clue.

The words echoed in my head.

I can’t talk to Kate…

I can’t talk to Kate…

I can’t talk to Kate…

Silent tears were running down my face as I sat there unable to move, It was like someone had ripped open my heart and it was bleeding, my own sister couldn’t believe me, my own sister couldn’t confide in me. Neither was she happy nor was she fine, all those times she lied to me while looking straight into my eyes when I asked her how she was. I was so self-centered that I couldn’t even figure it out. I hated my self for the kind of person I turned out to be selfish and mean.

I shut the laptop and went out for a walk. I had no idea where I was going all I was thinking about was how I had stopped caring. There use to be a time when my world use to revolve around Julia, her happiness was my happiness I would have killed anyone who hurted her back then. I was disgusted with myself I was so driven by money that I gave away everything including the love and feeling of home I once shared with my sister. My greediness led me to such a place where I had nothing except money.

It started raining heavily but I didn’t stopped, I had to find out who harry was, where he lived, and what does he know about my sister? I was standing in front of Ben’s house, the only person who could find answers to my question. I knocked waiting for him to open the door.


Authors Note:

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