Freds car

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I opened the door.
- Hi, Amy said. She was glad to see him.
- Hi, Can I go in? Fred asked.
- Nope, Amy said.
- What? Fred asked.
- Okey, I was joking, come in, Amy said
- Thanks, Fred said.
He put his jacket on a hook.
Fred walked in in the chicken.
- Can I take a apple? Fred asked.
- Yeah shore, Amy said and walked to the fridge and saw Freds car drived away.
- Fred your car, Amy said.
- Shit, Fred said and run out.
- Hey hey, Fred shouted.
It was a man in the car. He had a black dress but no hat on his head.  it looks like Amys old boyfriend. No it can't be him.
- Amy, I think i have met him before, i think it was the man I met who walked in in Marks house, Fred said.
Amy stod just there and looked on Marks house.
- My car is stolen. What should I do? Fred asked Amy.
- I don't no. You can take Marks bike, Amy said
- Yes, smart little girl, Fred laughed.
Amy smiled and walked in, in Marks house with Fred.
Amy walked to the fridge and putted some milk on the table and then she did a cop of coffee.

At the evening a black car came to Marks house. It wasn't Freds car. Amy saw the car and locked the door. Marks cheif ccame out from the car.
- Shit get back, Amy said.
- Ok, what is happening? Fred asked.
- Mark chief. Come over her, Amy whispered and walked under the upstairs. It was a door there.
Amy walked in there first and then Fred came after. Amy lock the door under the stairs if Marks chief kick in the door.
Marks chief knocked on the door and then a shot came on Marks chief.
- Shit, Amy said and opened the door.
- What I think it was Marks chief who killed Mark, who is it? Fred asked him self and walked to the outdoor. And saw a man with a black dress.
- No waint I think that was the man I talked to after I saw marks body, Fred said
- Where is he? Oh behind the car. So I can't se who it is, Amy said.
Fred opened the door and runned to the body and cheek if Marks chief is alive.
- Hey, hello? Are you ok, Fred asked.
- Who are you? Marks cheif said.
- My name is Fred and I was friend with Mark. I helping Amy to find the murder.
- Ok my name is Erik and the murder is..., Erik said and then he dyed.
- No,stay in live Erik, Fred said.
Amy runned out to the body.
- Oh what's his name Fred? Amy asked.
- Erik, Fred said.
- Oh I forget that, Amy said.
- Waint, he took Eriks car, Fred said.
Amy runned to the car way and saw Eriks car far away.
- I'll call the ambulance, Amy shouted.
- Ok, I can call the cops, Fred shouted.
Fred took up his phone. He called the cops.

The cops was comming

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