Chapter 7- Dignity

Start from the beginning

"Marie, I know what you're doing, and I'm over it. Give me some dignity, please. I work hard to please you, try and accept that." Her voice was raised, and she stood to raise above me. "Stop treating me like crap, and accept that I'm not your younger sister anymore. Give me a break, Marie!" She broke into a fit of rage, and ran out of the room. The glass door slammed against the hinges, and I was left alone in my office. I tried to help her, but today just wasn't her day. I turned my attention back to the article, reading further down into the writing.

'The Devil's Bride can still be seen in the town today, her legacy continuing as people begin to theory her return. Now, they believe she's back.' I read my sister's writing, and I still was proud of her. She was still my sister, and I still supported her, but she needs to be her own person. I need to let her be free for once in her life, so maybe getting angry will do her some good. I look up to see her turn back around the corner, and she takes something in her hands.

"Helena, no." I shout, and she stops, holding the thin piece in her hands. One hand is covering the top of the paper, and she frowns.

"Let me experience my life, Marie. I'm going to have fun, so don't wait up for me." She dropped the thin white piece of paper and turned away, storming out on the souls of her feet. I sat in my office, observing her disappear into the depths of the office. She kept her dignity, something she intended on keeping today, but if she had torn that paper, something extremely important to me, she would have lost it. She would have faced my wrath, and she wouldn't have liked it, because while I don't like the pressure of fears and dreams, I can be one mean fighter, and she would hate standing in front of me when my claws came out. I stood up, walking towards the A4 sheet of paper. The paper slipped through my fingers as I reached to pick it up, and soon noticed Reyna in her cubical, staring towards the window. I want to get to know her, but something inside tells me she wouldn't be worth it. She needs to write something perfect. The paper felt smooth in my hands, and I wonder how she pulled this from its frame.

It's my qualification in law.



"Tell me the truth. Did you or did you not threaten to kill me?" Her voice was for once, shaky, and she stepped around the woman in front of her, frozen in fear. "Tell me, or else you'll be dead too." A body lied on the cold concrete before her, blood gushing from a wound in her shoulder. The woman, frozen, was standing metres from the quivered body, the crooked neck of the girl broken. Her dark brown hair was tossed across the floor, spread out perfectly over the grey surface.

"Listen to the words I speak. I came in here, with my lover, and I found you two bent over a laptop searching for a purchasable weapon to kill me, are you following, darling? You want to kill me, do you? Do you know what I've done for you? I saved your lives, both of them. Your dear friend Kristy here, I saved her from having that poor overdose, and you, I saved you from jumping off a bridge. You want to commit suicide now, sweetheart? I didn't think so. I saved you, but just like that, I can end you. I will do it. If you ever think about trying to kill me again, remember who you are dealing with. I am the devil's bride, and you can't kill someone who's already dead, can you? You can't kill me, sweetie, because I've already tasted Satan's kisses, and he tastes like shit, but do you know who's better than him, a male? Me. Persephone, queen of the underworld. If you want to get your tongue cut off, threaten me all you want, but just know this, after you suffer, and suffer, and suffer, you'll feel in pain, because you'll never be happy after you face me. You know, now that you brought me on this conversation, I have a new declaration to announce. I'll be killing more often now, because I realised something. Men are pigs, yes, but women sometimes can't keep their mouth shut. Without tongues, how can they speak? Without eyes, how can a man see the women in front of him? Thank you, Daniele, now when you say hello to the devil for me, he'll know who sent you. Me." She stepped around the girl, who had been frozen in fear. Her breathing fast paced, and she turned her eyes to focus her attention on the dead girl in front of her, steadying her breaths. The killer stepped around her, moving closer to her chest. "Mess with me one more time." The woman froze, staring deep into the girl's eyes. "I bet you couldn't."

The killer slit her throat, her body toppling to the ground. She smiled as she watched her latest prey collapse to the floor. Jeremy stumbled into the room after witnessing the scene, walking steadily towards his master. He spoke up, and she turned towards him. "What happened, my lady?" She smiled towards him, stepping in her stiletto heels as she moved towards his position close to the door of the warehouse building.

"I was teaching them a lesson in respect, baby. Nothing to worry about." She pressed her hand against his chest, smiling. He widening his eyes as she leaned in towards him and kissed his lips. "I have a surprise for you." She spoke, taking his hand in hers and leading him towards a door in the far corner of the warehouse main space. He smiled as she brought him closer towards the room.

"What is it, my darling?" She turned when they reached the door, placing her arms over his shoulders. They kissed once more, and she moved one of her hands from his shoulders into her pocket. She dug around for something, before drawing out a key. They stopped kissing as she unlocked the room. The door swung open, revealing a dark wooden bed frame. The mattress was stained yellow, and someone was tied to the posts. Her lips were covered by a strip of grey tape, as she begged to be freed. Jeremy stumbled in the room after the killer, his eyes widening in the sudden realization. "Is she for me?"

"No, baby, she's for the both of us."

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