OVER AGAIN: Chapter 1

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December 23, 2015

Aurora woke up from her sleep, dazed and confused. She got up and looked around her. She recognized and remembered nothing.

Aurora slowly walked out the sliding doors that led to the little forest that was behind their home. There she found a man sitting on a bench facing her, as if expecting her arrival.

"Um.. Excuse me, do you know where I am sir? I can't seem to remember anything." Aurora spoke and the man smiled at her.

"You go here everyday and that," the man pointed at the house she fell asleep in, "is where you live," the man continues.

Aurora slowly nodded but still couldn't remember anything.

"You remember now?" the man asked.

Aurora shook her head and sat down beside the man. She felt somehow safe and secure when she was around the man although she has no idea who he was.

"Still don't remember anything? Anything at all? Don't you remember the 24th of December 2 years ago?" the man asked again and she shook her head.

"Why? What happened then? I can't recall anything." Aurora asked.

"Nothing, nothing. Come here," the man said, opening his arms, but she didn't budge.

"C'mon, I won't hurt you. I'll tell you a story," the man said and Aurora's eyes brightened in delight.

"Ooh goody! A story!" she said like a child on Christmas Day as she leaned into his arms.

The man shook his head and chuckled at her childishness. Even after a long time under her condition, she's still this playful and childish.

"You ready to listen?" the man asked and Aurora nodded her head.

"Okay," he breathed. You can do this. It'll work this time. Believe. Just believe. Okay, Like you always do.. 1...2...3...

"Your name is Aurora. Your parents live far away. You're an only child. You're 23 years old. You were born on November 5. Your favorite color is blue. You're a sucker for bands. Your sense of style is phenomenal, choosing tattered pants over skirts any day. You hate the taste of peppermint because you always think of toothpaste when tasting it. You love dogs but don't want to have one because you're allergic and you don't know how to take care of one. Your favorite movie is Parent Trap and The Sleeping Beauty just because you and the princess have the same name. You love to sing and I love to sing along with you. That's what we do almost all the time, actually. You had a rough past, but forgot all about that. You focus on all the good things in life. You have so much positivity in you that you radiate joy to everyone. 'Specially me," the man told this all to Aurora.

Aurora was speechless. How did this man know more about her than she knows about herself?

"How did you know all that? Who are you?" Aurora asked like she was unafraid of the man.

"I'm Liam, your boyfriend since we were 18," Liam stated and Aurora stared at him in shock.

"M-my boyfriend? I don't remember having a boyfriend.." Aurora shaked her head in confusion. Liam looked at her lovingly as she contemplated whether to believe this man or not.

Liam mentally compared her looks from before and now. She hasn't aged a bit.

"Yes. You.. You got in a car crash which caused you to have amnesia. The only problem is, every time you wake up, you forget everything all over again," Liam explained sadly.

"... Everyday?" Aurora asked and Liam nodded.

"I'm sorry... I-I didn't want this, if I could just go back, I would and-" Aurora said but Liam cut her off. "I know you didn't want this. It's okay," Liam smiled at her and Aurora just hugged him in fear and confusion. Liam was here to comfort her. He was never going to leave her. Ever.

That night, Liam brought Aurora to her bed and waited for her to sleep before leaving her be.

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