"JUSTIN!" I yelled. "STOP DONT LEAVE YET" I cried

Just turned around to look at me, at that very moment it started raining.

I ran to him and hugged him.

"Please Justin don't leave me" I cried "don't be like Luke"

He let his grip loose and looked at me in the eye.

He looked hurt that I even said that. I looked into his eyes, he was remembering back to the whole thing that happened with Luke.

"I will never be a Luke" he said and hugged me.

"Can we go to my house and hang out as friends" I asked

"No" he said "that means I can't flirt with you and it's very hard to not flirt with you, ask Tyler he will know what I'm talking about" he said

I started crying again.

"Why are you crying now" he asked

"Being with you in person makes me miss you more" I cried.

"Madi" he said

"Yeah" I said

"After this, I don't wanna talk much" he said

"What" I said confused

"If we keep in touch it's gonna be really hard for me to talk to you knowing that you already moved on, and I need to move on and if we don't talk I think that will be easier" he said not making eye contact with me.

I cried even more.

"Bye Madi" Justin said

"I'm gonna miss you" I said and kissed his cheek.

"I don't want to but I know I'm gonna miss you at a point it's gonna hurt, but please don't think of me" he said and kissed my forehead. He stood there for a minute and turned around left.

I stood there standing in the middle of a McDonald's parking a lot all by myself in the rain.

Once I got home I cried, I really did cry.


Today is the country competition, me Tyler and his sister Harley were going to the competition representing Georgia.

The top two in the country go to world competition, two dancers from each country compete.

We watched everyone's performances, which were amazing.

Me and Tyler got scared, Harley is confident but in a way that she thinks she's better than everyone. I wish she was more chill.

Tyler was first out of us three to perform. He came back sweaty and really scared.

"It's okay babe you did great" I said hugging him

Harley went up did really good.

"Good job Harley" I smiled and tried to high five her

"I know" she walked right pass me

"Do better than me okay" Tyler said before I went up

"That's gonna be hard, but I think i can do it" I smirked and hugged him.

I went up and stood there awkwardly , so awkward I felt as if my knees were going to give out.

"Technically difficulties" the music guy yelled, it took 10 minutes for him to get my music to play.

There was a part that I had to land on my knees to do this move , and well I did it.

I slammed my knees to the hard floors harder than I wanted, my right knee gave out, I stood back up and kept going, I don't think the judges noticed that I hurt my knee.

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