C-7: A New Friend and Enemy

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~~~~~Tony's POV~~~~~

C'mon, wake up buddy...
..Someone wants to meet you...
..Don't be shy...

My eyes slightly open, with a faint of an orange light in my blurry sight.
"Wake up!"
I suddenly fully open my eyes, and see a face in front of me. "Ahh!" I gasped a little in fear.
"Rise and shine, insect." the voice was deep and uninviting, a figure stood in a shadow, and had glowing white eyes. I realize I'm in a chamber, with chains wrapped around me. I was tied up to a wall. I try to shake them off but nothing happens.
"Easy there," The figure said, "You're very tied up, you won't go anywhere.."
"Who are you??" I yell out.
"Someone you should know."
"What? No."
"Chuyito?" I giggled as I said that.
"..No!" I could tell he hates me already.
"Then show yourself!"
The figure walks out of the shadow, and my jaw dropped like a base in a dubstep song as he walked to me . "..Oh, my.. Notch...!"
Herobrine, the most scariest, the most feared one, and the most strongest player in the game. A god was standing in front of me, I couldn't believe it.
"Yes, you are surprised to see me. I may have been defeated by that zygronx fool, but he never got rid of me.. I haven't left this server."
"H-how are you alive??" I said in fear, like if I was a dog watching fireworks on 4th of July.
"My summoner. Thanks to you, my pixels escaped the gold blocks of my tomb. The summoner opened to let me go after you curiously figured out my riddle."
As he said that, I remembered and looked down in regret.
Sorry Chuyito, I was curious, you know me.. I whispered in my head.
"For now, you are just peasant sitting in my Chamber of The End." Herobrine walks out of my chamber room's door, as it closes after he disappears.

I didn't know what time was it, but I can tell how much time passes as I sit here. 20 minutes.
A voice then comes to my ear. "Hey, you. Over here." It sounded very inviting, like a 17 year old's voice. "I said over here."
I look over, to find a player tied up in chains but on the floor.He looked like my age, maybe 17, but he looked buffed. He was wearing a purple sweater with gloves and new looking shoes.
"Oh.. hello." I calmly say and look at his purple eyes.
"are you deaf? I've been calling you for 5 years."
"Uhm.. do you mean 5 minutes?"
"yeah, whatever. What's your name?"
"they call me Tony. Your's?"
"Ivan. You got any idea how to get out of here?"
"No, but I got one question for ya."
I look at his shoes. "What are thoooooooooooose!!?" I then chuckle.
He chuckles with me, "Wow, I just met you and you're judging my shoes."
"I don't see people with clean shoes most of the time."
"Well these are my new AirMarks XII."
"Never heard of them."
"Not everyone has."
"listen, I need to know why are we here, and we need to get out of here. My friends are looking for me."
"How can you tell you're being searched?"
"My friends leave no man behind."
"It that yours?" Ivan points his hand towards my bow sitting on a shelf.
"My bow!" I try to get the chains off me.
"You're very tied up. Herobrine tied our hands apart so that we can't destroy our way out of here. Any ideas?"
I think for a bit, then look around. "Mmm... There's gotta be something here.."
"Looks like we're stuck here like cats on a tree." He quietly sings to himself.
I notice an end of a chain next to his foot is broken. "Hey, you broke one end of your metal rope."
He then looks at it. "Oh, I kicked it earlier, hard enough to break it."
"Wait, what do you do for exercise?"
He looks at me, "Oh, just parkour and buy new shoes."
"Parkour? Like, flips and tricks while jumping in the air?"
"Jumping over buildings is hard, I do flips to help me catch air. I buy new shoes because they always get dirty and I don't have a washer."
"wrap your hands in your chains, lift yourself to put your feet on the wall, and kick off the wall."
"Mmm.. You are one smart motherfucker."
"Then, do it, bro." I waited for him.
Ivan looked down for a second then wrapped his hands around his chains. "Just.." He struggled to lift his feet, but didn't break a sweat. "..Do it!" He yelled out as he kicked off the wall. His chains fell apart making pitched clings. He was free and was on the floor.
"Just do it!" I repeated and smiled. He got my bow from the shelves, then throws it to me hitting my chains and cutting them apart.
"Nice throw." I said as I grabbed my bow. "Now, let's get out of here." I ran to the door, took out my iron pickaxe, and stabbed the door making a hole in it. Then I destroyed the whole door. "Let's go."
"Bruh I ain't staying in here." Ivan ran out our room with all the stuff he grabbed. I grab my pouch of arrows. We both look around the big cave we're in, this place is a big open hole. I spotted a tunnel on the other side of the ravine, but there was lava at the bottom.
"If we fall, we're fried chicken." Ivan panicked.

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