C-4: This is the beginning

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~~~~~SBL's POV~~~~~

It's cute when a baby yellow dyed sheep cuddles on your lap, it makes me feel loved and I care about Henry. How did Chuyito find such a little baby sheep? Oh well.
While Henry sits, I go to get some food in the kitchen, then I only see Budderlover looking through the cabinets finding something. "Uhm, excuse me?" I try to get his attention.
"What?" He then sees me and hides something behind his back. "Oh, uhm.. Hai!"
"What are you hiding?" It was obvious he was hiding something.
"N-nothing.." He studders, "Just, making sure the kitchen.. Is clean!"
"You're hiding something."
"What? Pfft! No I'm.." I quickly walk up to him, grab his arm and see flint and steel in his hand. "..not hiding anything.." He then gets nervous.
"Why do you have this?" I asked.
He doesn't respond, instead, he looks to the left, telling me that I should look at what he's looking at. I then panicked a little, "NO, NONONO!" There was a pile of TNT on the couch.
"H-hey, it's safe right?" He then tells me.
"Why, is there a pile of TNT?!"
He just responds with, "Because, I do what I want." He tries to smile at me.
"No. Get it out. Now."

Chuyito didn't have to rush, he was already at Sethbling's place. He then knocks on his door waiting for an answer.
"Hey, welcome back, my friend." Seth says as he opens his door.
"Hey, listen, I need your help." Chuyito replies.
Seth sighs, "wait in the garage."
Chuyito runs over to his garage that was full of redstone creations and inventions. Just then, Seth enters the garage, and stands behind his table. "So, what's the problem?"
Chuyito quickly tells him, "Herobrine is alive."
Seth looks at him. "I don't think that's a nice joke.."
"No! Herobrine has been entered into the game!"
"N-no, you're lying.."
"I'm telling you the truth!"
"Are you seriously serious right now?"
"O-oh my notch... I can't believe it.." He says as Chuyito looks at him. "..h-how?!"
"Remember our old high school??"
"After the apocalypse, me and tony found out that Herobrine's summoner was left there! I left the place to pick up a friend, and when I came back to that place, both Tony and the summoner were gone!"
Seth looks at him with wide eyes. "You came at the right time of the year..."
Chuyito looks confused. "W-what..?"
Seth runs to the back cabinet, he opens it and mechanical parts fall out. They were a mix of yellow, black, and purple with laser sights and three helmets. Seth then looks at me. "You're gonna need armor to fight that white-eyed-beast.."
"Me? Fight him?! How??!"
"Help me put these parts together, it will answer your questions."

Budderlover was panting after throwing away the TNT.
"There, all better, thank you!" I say in a little girl voice.
"Why didn't you help?" He says as he pants.
"It was you who put the TNT. Not me." I say as I walk to him. Budderlover then spots flint on the floor. He tries to get it, but I was to close to it. I then trip on his hand, and we both fall. I had my eyes closed while I panicked, I open my eyes, and see myself on top of Budderlover, with my lips touching his. I freak out and get up. I was blushing red as he lays there and blushes too.
"S-sorry, it was m-my fault.." I tell him.
We then hear noises, like if someone's flying outside, and I hear Chuyito's voice, with 'woohoo!' And 'yeah!'  We both run outside, and see two mechanical robots standing in our driveway. Budderlover and I then look up and see a batman robot flying above our house, with Chuyito's voice coming out of it. 
Oh shit...

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