Chapter 4: A Sudden Reveal

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The walk home wasn't bad. But knowing the stupid weather it had to be cold. Of all the days I would wear a jacket I had to forget one today. The steady pace of my feet kept my mind off the chill and I slowly got used to it. But this nagging feeling in my brain would not subside. Someone was definitely following me. I never could bring myself to turn around, but by the time I got to Mel's apartment I could not be happier. I rushed into the building, not caring to close the door very well. Slowly I made my way up the aggravating stairs and unlocked the apartment door. I abruptly closed the door....wait....why isn't it closing... I look to see a purple shoe wedged in the doorway and open the door a bit more. I look to see Vincent in the doorway with his hand in his pockets. 

"Hello Love," He says with a smirk.

"H-Hi?" I say, looking at him confused.

"Oh, sorry you forgot your phone at the Pizzeria" He holds out my phone and I take it, looking a bit scared.

"Thanks? I could have just gotten it tomorrow," I'm completely confused and start shutting the door again. 

"(Y/N)! Wait!" He puts his hand on the door to keep it open. "I wanted to talk to you about something..." He frowns slightly as he says that and I open up the door again. I frown letting him into the apartment and we both sit on the couch.

"Uhh...sorry for intruding..." he looks down into his knees. "Are you doing okay? I saw a text message on your phone from your mom...Did she kick you out for something?" 

My face no...He can't know I'm transgender...say something else.." Yeah..uh....she found out I was gay..." FUCK....I mentally face palm myself and automatically want to take back what I just said..Vincent's eyes widen and he frowns.

"Oh, that's terrible, I'm so sorry...that has to suck..." He gives me a look of sympathy and I mentally kick myself. 

"Oh, no it's fine my friend Mel has been a big help, shes the one who owns this apartment actually" I smirk slightly and he chuckles. 

"Good, just making sure you're doing okay."

I smile, thank god I didn't tell him the actual reason. I get up off the couch to use the bathroom because holly fuck you can never go at work. "I'll be right back," I say and walk off towards the bathroom.

As I was washing my hands I hear Vincent yell, I run out of the bathroom only to see Vincent blushing as he held my packer in his hand...fuck...

"OH MY GOD, FUUUCK LET ME EXPLAIN!" I scream at the top of my lungs. All I see is Vincent falling to the floor laughing

"You have a dildo!?" he says between laughs and my face freezes. Okay good he doesn't know it's a packer good.

"HA yeah I have one hahahahah" That laugh couldn't have been more fake.

Seeing stars ( A Vincent x Trans FTM Reader Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें