Chapter 6: It's Late

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Since it was only around 9:30 by the time we had got home, we decided to watch a movie. Of coarse out of all the genre that was available on Netflix Mel decided it was a wonderful idea to watch a Romantic one, Great.

It was only about 15 minutes into the movie and I was already suspicious. Mel and I were sat towards the Left of the couch and Vincent to the right. Slowly I began to notice that the distance between us was growing, smaller. At first I thought it was because the blanket was over by us, but he kept grabbing for my hand. WHAT WAS HE DOING?! After awhile I tried to ignore him, he was being weird! I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch.
"Okay, I'ma make some popcorn who wants some?"
Mel and Vincent both shout me and I head over to the kitchen.
"Hey, did you want some help?" I hear Vincent ask as he follows behind me.
"No uh...It's fine it's just the microwaveable kind." I grab two bags out of the cabinet and put them on the counter.
"You can go watch the movie I've seen it like 20 times already."
"Oh, so you like romantic movies then?" I hear him say with a chuckle in his voice. My face flusters and I spin around to look at his face.
"No it's just Mel likes to watch that stuff." I look down at my feet thinking about what to say. "Hey, about you finding my..." I trail of getting pink in the face.
"Dildo? It's fine I don't really care. I mean I even have one it's sort of a gay thing I guess." Vincent smirks and my face grows brighter.
"Listen Vincent, I need to tell you something.." I slowly say my heart thumping againts my chest.
"What's up?" Vincent says smiling.
My minds racing and I blab out. "Did you want..uh butter on your popcorn?" Vicent nods.
"Yeah sure, no need to get so serious though". I try laughing it off gigling as he speaks. "Yeah uh..I think I just need some sleep I'll see you in the morning." Vincent grabs my arm as I go to leave. "Hey I uh..think Mel fell asleep on the couch is it it okay if I bunk with you?" My face drops. No no no no no this cannot be happening.
" I-I don't know Vince.."
"Come on (Y/N) I get the whole gay thing but we're friends it's fine." I sigh not wanting to argue I lead him to my room.

"Here um..I don't care were you sleep." I say handing him a pillow and some blankets. Vincent sets them on my bed. "Oh umm.. is here okay?" My face flushes as I nod. "Sure, just fair warning I move a lot in my sleep." This is so not good. He's going to find out because I am not wearing this binder to bed no way no how.

"I'm going to go change I'll be out in a minute." I grab my baggiest PJ's and head into the bathroom shutting the door. Slowly shimmying out of my binder I put on a sports bra to help with compression and my PJ bottoms when I hear the door open.

"Hey I just wanted to know were you keep your extra-AAAhHH" I throw a towel at his face before he could finish.

"GET OOOOUT!" I scream and he slowly backs up and closes the door.

"Woah (Y/N) It's not like I haven't seen a guy topless or anything it's nothing to hide." My face drains of color and I slump to the floor crying whispering to myself. "If you knew you wouldn't be here."

"Y/N)? (Y/N) whats wrong? Are you... crying?" I hear him say as he bangs on the door. This will not be so easily explained.

AN: And thats it for this chapter hope you all enjoy and I definitely will get back in to this writing thing. As always i enjoy the feedback and suggestions so thank you guys.

Wow also I was really dumb and only published part of the chapter haha oops

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