Chapter One : A New Job

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                       I rush down the street, I'm late and I can't think strait. I just had an argument with my mom and can't seem to shake off what she said... " JUST LEAVE THEN!" It's stuck to my brain and I start to cry again not paying attention. Suddenly I fall backwards wiping my eyes so I can see... I must have bumped into someone because as I clear my eyes there's some on the ground next to me. I sniffle and get up, "Sorry," I mumble "No worries," they respond back. I brush of my ripped jeans and continue on my way. Not saying another word, and whipping of my face.

After that run in I feel more upset, the words my mom said to me sticks in my head and I almost fall over. I take out my phone calling my best friend Mel. She picks up not two dials later and I sniffle

" Hey mel..." I croak.

"Hey (Y/N) whats up? You okay you sound sick?"

"Yeah, I'm fine I just had a fight with my mom..."

"What happened?"

I start to cry again, "She told me to leave, I don't know what to do, Can I stay at your place tonight?"

"Sure, hope you do good at that interview though,"

"Thanks, Got to go or I'll be late, talk to you later."

"Good luck! See you soon."

I hang up running down the street because I'm already two minutes late.

"Great," I mutter and open the door to the restaurant. As I open the door I look around, There's a guy not much older than me in a purple Freddy Fasbear's Uniform with purple hair, wait is his skin PURPLE?! , I think I recognize him from somewhere but I can't remember.

The manager walks out from the office and scowls.

"You're late" He frowns

I Breath heavily fixing my coat and jeans and walk into his office.

After the interview he shakes my hand and leads me out.

" If you're not late for work for tomorrow I think you'd be an excellent addition to the team!"

"REALLY!?" I gasp,

He nods smiling and sending me off. I walk past the Purple  guy again and he says to me "So I heard you're my new co-worker!"

I nodd puzzled, WHERE IS HE FROM!!!

I walk to Mel's house thinking and befuddled. "Who is he!?" I scream and I knock on Mel's door. She opens it giving me a hug.

"Hey how'd the interview go?!" She asks excited

"Oh, umm I... GOT THE JOB!" I scream

She screeches and gives me a big hug


We walk into the house and I tell her about what happened with my mom. She gives me another hug and I tell her about the co-worker I met today. I screech

"THAT'S WHERE HE'S FROM!" I jump up and down excited.

" I bumped into him when I was rushing to my interview."

I think to myself, I explain to Mel why I was so happy and she chuckles.

"Well someone has a crush!" she smirks.

"Not the point Mel, and you know I don't date, Besides he is literally all purple."

She rolls her eyes and laughs

"Wait..." she thinks,

"What?" I glare.

"What's he like? maybe I might like him,"

I shake my head

"Mel you're not doing this again, last time I told you, you got all melodramatic on me."

She gasps.

"I did not, what are you talking about!?"

I roll my eyes at her again.

"Whatever, why don't we go out to eat somewhere? I'm starving."

She laughs,

"Allways like you to bring up food in the middle of our conversation."

We head back out the door and into the car.

That's the end of the chapter make sure to comment and tell me if you wanted to add anything

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