Then a loud ring interrupted the conversation, and as she put her coffee down to answer her phone Natalie silently thanked whoever it was a thousand times because she did not want to hear what was going on. "Hey, what's up?"

Stefan's voice was easily heard on the other side of the line, which both Caroline and Elena heard with their heightened hearing. "Well, you know how sometimes you feel crazy and you call me and I tell you that you're not crazy?"

"By the way, thank you for always knowing when to lie to me," she smiled sweetly as if he was standing right in front of her. She would bet her life that Caroline was studying Elena's expression at her talking to Stefan to try to detect any jealousy. 

She could hear him snort on the other side, finding her response to be beyond amusing. "Well, I need you to tell me that I'm not crazy."

She hummed a bit as if she was trying to figure out a response to that, but in the end she simply shrugged before remembering that he wasn't actually there. "Just because you're a liar doesn't mean I am."

He sighed as if he was preparing to say what he was saying. He had a mental argument with himself for maybe five minutes on whether or not to call her, just because she was her and he knew that her with him wasn't all too platonic. "I was walking to my car, and I nearly got plowed over in the middle of the street because I was having some vision of Elena."

Natalie met Elena's eyes, which widened as she heard what he said. "Congratulations, Stefan. I'm not even lying to you when I say you're not crazy. But something really weird is going on and I don't like it."


While Caroline had gone to talk to a newly arrived Matt about her mother's whereabouts, Natalie and Elena decided that it might have been time to get in touch with Damon. The only problem was that he was refusing to answer their calls. It was a stupid idea to let Elena call first because when Natalie called him shortly afterwards he thought Elena had gotten to her phone or something. 

"I hate myself," Natalie muttered in disgust as Damon declined Elena's call for what seemed like the fortieth time. She found the number she was about to call and grimaced as she pressed it, and it didn't take long for the other person to answer. 

"Hello, gorgeous," the familiar accented voice answered, and she could feel his smirk through the phone and she kind of wanted to find him just so she could slap it off. 

"First of all, wipe that ridiculous smirk I know you have on your face off," she instructed and she could hear him chuckle at her words. "Second of all, please tell Damon that something really weird is happening between Stefan and Elena."

As she heard Damon speak, she could only guess that she was put on speaker. "What?"

"Well, remember how it used to be so funny to think about how the universe was drawing Stefan and Elena together?" Natalie asked, getting a hum in agreement on the other side. "It's not funny anymore."

"What are you talking about?" he asked, still seeming confused, which didn't surprise her because she hadn't really gone that far into the depth of it all. 

"Well, you know how the last Stefan-ganger, Tom, died a while ago? Yeah, hi, Enzo, I remember that. Go to hell," she sent a message over to the guy who killed him. "But, when he died, it rendered Stefan and Elena to the mystical last doppelgangers on earth. And now they're going around and having weird visions about each other."

"Wait. What kind of visions?" Damon asked, definitely not sounding happy about it. 

"You know what she's not telling you. Somebody's having sex dreams." Natalie glared at the table at Enzo's words, finding him to be a complete menace in her life. Especially because she did not want to believe that Elena was having sex dreams about Stefan. 

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