Jamie walked Harper out of the interview room holding her little hand, "There's your Mommy." Harper ran to her mother. "She was such a good girl," Jamie told her Mom. "We will get this guy, but Harper will have to come back and ID him."

After they left Jamie turned to his partner, "Let's go swimming." He grabbed his keys and headed to the camp to bring in the swimming coach for questioning.

It was very late before Jamie got home that night. When he did come in, he was tired and sick to his stomach. Eddie was reading on the sofa, Jamie's dinner in the microwave waiting for him. "Hey, long day huh?"

Jamie nodded, "Oh yeah. Come here..." He opened his arms and Eddie stepped into them. She knew what it cost him to work these child abuse cases, she also knew he got more out of the little ones than even the psychologists did at times.

"Oh you feel so good," he sighed holding on tight. "Let's talk while I eat?"

Eddie heated his plate and got him two fingers of whiskey. "Bad?"

Jamie nodded, "She was so good. Usually the kids are super freaked but not this time. She wasn't so good she looked coached, but she was well behaved and she listened. Only thing is the suspect coughed up his DNA like it was a chicken bone so he's either stupid, arrogant, or innocent."

Eddie sat with one leg folded under her body. "Well, I know you Jamie. You will get to the bottom of this. Does this mean the undercover this is off the table?

Jamie shook his head, "No, that's separate and I should clear this case before the assignment starts. I don't have to give him an answer until Wednesday so can we talk about it tomorrow night? I just want to kiss my kids and have some time with you."

Eddie smiled at him, "Of course we can talk about it another night. Oh, are you still off on Wednesday?"

"Uh, probably have to work a little bit now, why?" Jamie asked as he cleared up his dish and whiskey glass.

"Oh, I uh...I promised Linda I'd meet her for lunch and I was hoping you could be here with Lila. It's okay, I'll reschedule."

"No, no. If I'm not home I'm sure Dad will watch her. Go to your lunch, I know you two have a good time."

Eddie thanked him and went to turn down their bed. She saw Jamie disappear into Lila's room and knew that he was thinking of the little girl from earlier. As he watched their baby sleep Eddie appeared at his back and slid her arms around him. "She's safe and sound, so is Joey...You see to that every day you put on your gun and shield. I love you so much."

Jamie smiled. Eddie always knew what to say at the end of a long hard day. She understood the job and she understood him. She took him by the hand and led him to their bed. They lay together, kissing gently, talking softly until the fell asleep with Jamie wondering what he would do without Eddie by his side.

A few miles away, Danny and Linda were getting ready for bed. Since dinner last night, Linda had been worrying about something. "What's on your mind Babe?" Danny asked.

"I can't tell you," she replied. "I promised."

That really got Danny's attention. "I thought we didn't have secrets from each other Linda. Especially since I'm not on the street anymore."

"This is not that kind of secret, it's a work type of secret. I'm sorry Danny, I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone."

Danny stopped pushing, he already knew. "So what's wrong with Eddie?"

Linda had to hand it to him, even though he was off the streets for five years he was the best detective she'd ever seen. "Danny, you can't tell Jamie. She doesn't want him to know."

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