Chapter 16

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"Wifey, the doctor said you can come home today." the blonde says as he entered the room. "Can you please stop calling me wifey?" she glares.

"Let me think." he puts on his thinking face and sat down. "Nope." he shook his head and smirks. "Fine." she groans. "But, you have to call me 'hubby', don't worry. I won't bite, yet." he whispered the last part.

"Urgh, hubby." she says. "Louder." he smirks. "Hubby!" she says a little louder. "That's my girl." he smiles.


"Are you sure you're alright? You need water? You need to take your medicine, right? Okay, where did I put those? Uh, oh fuck." he panics. "Hubby, I'm fine." she smiles and sat down on her apartment couch.

"Are you hungry? We could go to Subway. Wait, you were supposed to rest. I'll buy takeout, if you want. Or, we could just order pizza. What do you want? Tuna? Honey garlic? Pepperoni?" he panics again. "Hubby! Trust me, I'm really fine." she smiles.

Calling him hubby is so weird but it seems so natural, she thought.

"So.. do you want some water?" he nervously asked. "Uh --" she got cut off by the phone ringing. "I'll grab it." she says as she stood. "No, I'll grab it. You were supposed to rest." he offers. She nods and smiles at him. "Thanks." she says and sat down.

He nods and walks over to the phone table. He picked up the phone and spoke up.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hello? Is Laura there?" a tiny voice asked.

"Uh, may I ask, who is this?" he asked politely.

"My name is Samantha Marano. I'm Laura's little sister." the tiny voice speaks.

"Well, okay," he covers the speaker and looks at Laura. "Laura, your sister — Samantha, I believe, is calling." he says.

"Samantha? I wonder why. Um, okay." she nods and walks over to the phone table.

"Hey, Sammy. What's wrong?" she asked concerned.

"Laurie? I miss you. When will you visit us at home?" she asked quietly.

"I miss you too, Sammy. I will visit when I have the time, okay?" she said.

"When's that?"

"I don't know, Sammy. But, is Shawn there?" she asked her little sister.

"Yeah, let me call him. Shawn!" Samantha calls.

"Sammy! What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?" Laura hears a voice on the other line.

"No, but Laura wants to talk to you. Gee, don't have to be so dramatic." Samantha says.

"Oh, then give the phone to me."

"Fine. I still don't get it why she wants to talk to you."

"Because she loves me?"

"Gross. Here." she hears the phone being passed.

"Laurie, hey!" a cheerful guy voice appeared.

"Hi, Shawn. I miss you so much." she smiles.

"Me too, Laur. Me too." the voice says.

Shawn? Who the fuck is Shawn?, Ross thought.

"When are you gonna visit us at home?" Shawn asked.

"When I have the damn time." she giggles.

"So, never?" he jokes as he chuckles.

"Sure. Since you hate me so much." she says sarcastically.

"That's fine by me." he laughs.

"Sorry, but, who is Shawn?" Ross asked politely. She looks at him as she covers the phone speaker. "He's my —"

"Delivery!" they hear.

"Delivery?" they raised their eyebrows.

"Uh, I gotta go. Talk to you later." she says on the phone and hung up.

"Go get it." she says.

He nods and walks to the door. He opens it and saw a mailman. "I'm sorry to disturb, but you have a delivery." he says.

"From who?" she asked politely. "Um, it doesn't say. I'm very sorry." he apologized.

"It's fine. Thank you." the blonde smiles.

"No problem." he nods. "Just sign here and I'll he leaving." he signs the clipboard and smiles. "Thank you, have a nice day." he says and walks away.

"What the hell is in this damn box?" he cursed and shuts the door.

"It's small. Like a box for a ring." she says and plops on the couch.

"There's a small note." He says and sat down next to her.

Dear, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch,

This is a special delivery. I know you two. Very well. This will help you bond and get closer to eachother. Trust me, this little delivery will make your lives better, I promise.

Your's truly,

"Cupid? What the?" she raises an eyebrow. "Let's just open it." he says and grabs it.

"Hey! Be careful!" she glares. "Oh, shut up." he rolled his hazel eyes at her and tears up the wrapping paper.

"So?" she waited for a response.

"Oh my God." he says in disbelief. "What?" she questions as she got more curious.

"I guess we're getting married." he comments.


A/N ~

BAM! 2 new characters came! Shawn is a new character that me and Dove_Liv_Cameron thought.

Samantha is Laura's little sister, also known as Love_Is_Invincible !

Huge thanks to them! :)

Dove_Liv_Cameron 's character is coming in the next chapter so, yeah! :D

Hope you guys enjoyed, byee! ❤❤


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