One Direction Bromance One-Shots!

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Hello there! I'm Ryleigh, and this is my book of 1D bromance one-shots. 

WARNING: If you do not like boyxboy, then leave, this isn't for you.


-Larry (Louis + Harry)

-Lirry (Liam + Harry)

-Zarry (Zayn + Harry)

-Narry (Niall + Harry)

-Nouis (Niall + Louis)

-Zouis (Zayn + Louis)

-Lilo (Liam +Louis)

-Ziam (Zayn + Liam)

-Niam (Niall + Liam)

-Ziall ( Zayn + Niall)




:{) <-- Mustsche Man!

Fan, Comment and Vote! Thanks!!:D


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