Chapter 21 - Dancing Flames

Start from the beginning

Ludwig keeps running though you're telling him to stop. The cloaked man started to turn, but Ludwig picked up the speed, the cloaked man vanishing into the shadows.

You couldn't see his face as the darkness enveloped him. You're uncomfortable but you leaned your head into Ludwig's chest and took a deep breath.

The Christmas lights blurred as your eyes grew heavy.




You hear people arguing, a light chatter worming its way into your thoughts.

The pillow press harder against your head, trying to drive out the sound.

You didn't know if it was the brothers, with Ludwig so strangely distant after your return, or if it was just some guilty conscience in your head.

You thought about your UFO clock and your headphones with their American flag designs on them.

You thought of Alfred and how much you wanted to have a good ol' sibling brawl.

Of Matthew and how you wished that he was there to give you more advice. He said that falling was okay. He said that caring was okay.

I'm hopeless.

But now you weren't sure you were really in love with Ludwig. Sure, you like him, you like him a lot. But it has only been a month. You scoff. Like look what happened to Romeo and Juliet.

You flipped onto your back, two pillows squished against your head, one on each ear.

Was it three days? Did they fall in love in three days?

Or was it a month...

You shiver. Three days. You were certain. Besides Juliet was thirteen, how could it be your fault she was so stupid?


Your lips thinned as you realized how out of hand the conversation with yourself had gotten.

An item is thrown against a wall with a bang. The yelling was getting louder.

You crawl from under your covers. The closet door is dragged open as you grab a flashlight.

"The Awesome Prussia," you grit.

The door opens and you sneak on through. Slowly going up the ladder, crossing over the hall between the two rooms, going back down the ladder. You press your ear up against the other door, your breath shallow, invisible.

The roar is loud.

"West, this isn't that serious," Gilbert soothed.

"It was to be. People are after us brother. They want the personifications dead. It explains all the attacks."

"They've been reckless though."

"They want it to look like an accident. We're not on the front lines so a sniper just can't take us out. They want to make us look mortal."

"We aren't mortal."

"But father was," Ludwig hissed. "Y/n is."

"Woah, woah, hold it West. Y/n is a lot of things, but she is definitely not mortal. She tries to pretend she is, but she's been injured so many times it is obvious she is not."

"I don't want to talk about it," Ludwig grumbled.

"Well you were shouting," Gilbert snapped back.

Eagle and Dove; Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now