Chapter Twenty One *C + G's pov*

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*Cara's pov*

It's been nearly a year since Georgia and I went on this break thing. She's been going great in tennis I watch every one of her games on TV and felt nothing but jealously when I saw Emma and Nat being all cosy in the coaches box at the U.S. Open, where she made the semi finals may I add.

What have I been doing?
Killing myself ever so slowly. Depressing I know, but that's what happens when I'm left alone. I miss Kendall and Gigi and Georgia, everyday I wake up and remember that my two best friends are in heaven I die a little, and everyday I don't see or talk to Georgia I die even more. I've been drinking and smoking non stop for months now, my family refuses to talk to me or come near because they're scared of me, which I would be too! I don't blame them.

What am I doing right now?
I'm standing on the edge of the London Bridge, I'm actually just about to FaceTime Georgia, and fall to my death, sorry that was a bit morbid.

Am I going crazy?
Yeah, but hey you can't judge what I choose to do with my life because it's my life, and you don't know the battle I've been going through, not just this year but my whole life! I've been consumed by depression again, and this time I've lost the battle...

*Georgia's pov*

I'm currently sitting on my bed in my hotel room chatting with Nat, Emma, my coach Brad and trainer Jaden. Well we were chatting, now we're arguing about what room service food we want.

*Cara's pov*

It's blowing a gail up here, I was struggling to keep my balance. I video call Georgia once the wind had died down a bit. It rings and rings and rings...

*Georgia's pov*

"Guys who's phone is that?" Emma asks

"That's mine I think" I get up off the bed and search through my bag, finding my phone at the bottom. Cara was Facetiming me.

*Cara's pov*

She isn't picking up and I was really really struggling to stay on this bridge.

One massive gust of wind pushes me off the edge of the bridge...

*Georgia's pov*

I answer and watch her phone fall, but realise she was holding it

"Georgia I love you, you're the best thing that's-"

The call cuts out. I try recalling her but it didn't work. I throw my phone across the room and burst out crying.

I'd been crying for so long it was just Emma and I left in the hotel room, she wipes the last of my tears off my face.

"I'm so sorry Georgia" she gives me her phone

"Cara Delevingne confirmed dead."
"Paper Towns star falls off the London Bridge to her death"

I kind of had the idea she might of died, which is why I was crying, but to see it confirmed just broke my heart even more.

"It's all my fault Emma" I say, tears streaming down my face yet again.

"No it's not G"

"I love you Cara, I love you so fucking much" I say, cuddling into Emma's embrace.

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