

It was the morning I decided to leave for a new life, and I suppose, a new me. The sweeping breeze collapsed inside the vacant living room as I sat alone, waiting for my parents to stir from their slumber. Waiting to say goodbye to them for however long I would be alone without them. I wanted to be without, definitely, but somewhere deep inside I longed for an easy escape to the goodbye. Leaving in this moment would be agonizing, knowing that they couldn't kiss my cheeks and mumble good messages and happy thoughts, but I know that I couldn't, no I won't, live down the mistake I'd make. I'd imagine the rotten stare in my father's eyes as we met once more at some family reunion, how he'd act like it was nothing but I'd know it was something, that staring at me was ruining any hope of love he had for me. My mother would continue to sit silent, chatting to my cousins and my grandparents. Ignoring me.

Here I sat, the clock ticking, as I awaited for them to walk down those stairs, to smile in their parental way and to greet me with open arms and open hearts, as cheesy as ever I could expect. The perfect lifestyle began in a dream and ended in the nightmare that my best friend faced, with her lung disease. My life, however, was anything different to hers, and I wanted her to be happy, but moving away from this life was what I had wanted from, well, birth, if I was to be completely honest. I had googled for this new town, Crontill, for a while now, and now it was my time to turn my back to the past and move forward. So, here I was, waiting for my parents. Waiting for my parents.

I waited for them all morning, and soon it became 10:00, and they never came down those stairs, they never came down smiling, they never met me to say goodbye. My parents didn't come waltzing down those steps to wave me goodbye, and while I wanted this to be an easy send-off, I wanted them to say goodbye, and here I sat, alone. I walked up to their bedroom, knocked on the door, and realised they were no longer home. I had waited there for them, without a note, since 7:00 in the morning, without nothing from my parents. They'd argue that they hated the idea of their sweet daughter leaving them alone, especially since I was their only child, but I sat here, in the empty living room, for three hours, alone. Waiting for my parents.

I clutched the luggage in my hands, smiling as I walked away from the bedroom that held all those memories so fine, and I know that one day I'll be home again, but for now, this was my life, moving on and forgiving my own future, without following in the shadows of my parents. I knew waiting for them was the right idea, but to know they didn't wait for me, showed that they doubted that I truly would leave them here. They thought I'd be here when they arrived home, they thought I'd stay with them, and for that, I can't forgive them, or at least not yet. They didn't believe that I would leave. No longer did I wish to wait for my parents, and so I wrote a note to say goodbye.

I had waited for them, but they didn't wait for me. It was time I escaped the world I want to leave and make my way to Crontill. It was time I left for the dream, and I leave the desperation behind.



She pressed her lips to the vanity mirror, staring through it towards a man tied to a chair. She smiled as he began to wake, his eyes pierced out, lying in a bowl on a bedside table beside him. She stretched out, walking towards the man. He woke, screaming through the duct tape covering his mouth.

"Calm down, big boy." She spoke, dropping to his right. Her dark fingernails caressed his cheek, leaving a smear of black paint as she went. "Oops. Guess I forget to wait, much like you, David." The man fidgeted in his chair, trying to speak. She ripped the tape from his mouth. "Speak."
He took two deep breaths, then opened his mouth to speak.

"Who are you? What happened to me?" She laughed, grinning. Stepping away from the man, she reached into a dark purple bag sitting on a stool in the corner of the room, taking his phone from the purse.

"Dear, what's with the questions all of the sudden? I don't recall you asking these at the strip club." She brought up a photo of two women in the strip club, half naked, in a private show for him. "You want to explain to me, David, why you were abusing those women?"

"I didn't do anything?" He frowned, struggling to pull his hands from the buckles attaching him to the chair. "I didn't touch either of them, I swear." He continued to struggle, until she stopped him, slamming her hand on his.

"Don't lie to me, David. I know what you did, I was there! I saw it all, you sexist man whore. Tell me the truth, and just maybe, I might save your life." She smiled, walking back to the purse and slipping the phone into the pocket. She walked towards the vanity, staring into the mirror. "Tell me the truth, David." She pursed her lips, turning around to lean against the vanity. The man remained silent, angering the woman. "Tell me the god damn truth!" She raised her voice, screaming to the silent man across from her. He opened his mouth, and she smiled.

"Tell me who you are." She smiles, walking towards the frightened man. He freezes up as she moves closer to his face, his breathing slowing down. She caresses his cheek with her lips, before moving her mouth towards his ear to whisper to him.

"Wouldn't that be something you'd like to know?" He frowned, expecting a true answer. She laughed, realizing he wanted the truth. "You really think I'd give away my identity? Are you an idiot? That would be stupid."

"Please, just one name." He spoke up finally, turning his head towards her. She grinned. Something inside her gave her the perfect name for her crimes, the perfect name for the spree she was committing. People would look back on this place and remember her name. Remember the one exciting thing this place would ever see. Her. The man fidgeted in the chair, comforting himself as he turned further towards her. He was eager to know who she was, but she had a better plan. An alias. "Just something I can know you by." He smiled, even in the point of danger, and she hated him. She hated his guts. She hated the fact he was winning her over to give him something he wanted, even if she was only giving him half of the truth. She wouldn't ever tell someone who she truly was.

"Fine, you want to know who I am, call me Persephone." The Devil's bride. In ancient mythology, she was forced into marriage with Hades, the god of the underworld. In the current world, she wasn't forced. She loved being married to the dead.


A/N: There's the prologue! Attached is a picture of what Reyna would look like, because why not.

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