Headaches and Horcruxes

Start from the beginning

She looked at me and smiled. “Ah Belle, thank you. Fred needs to marry a girl like you, maybe you’d do him some good.”

At this I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and quickly sputtered, “N-No we’re just friends Mrs. Weasley, you must be mistaken...”

Mrs. Weasley chuckled and left the room. I tried to shake all ideas of Freed and I ever being together, and tried to get back to the task on hand. To clean the twin’s room. I began sorting the products together: edible products with each other, defense objects together, Wonderwitch products, Muggle pranks, etc.

After sorting them into boxes, I placed the same boxes into a corner of the room. The beds weren’t made (of course) so I fixed them. There was some sort of powder on the floor, kind of resembling gunpowder. I grabbed a broom from the hallways, and swept it all up. With a feather duster, I dusted the boys’ dresser and nightstand.

I feel like a maid.

The room looked presentable, so I turned to leave to room only to crash into a firm chest.

“’Ello love.” Fred softly said, a trace of laughter evident in his voice.

Trying not to meet his eyes, I muttered hello. I tried to walk out of the room, but he grabbed my shoulders. I felt a soft hand gently grab my chin and tilt my face towards his.

Oh no, oh no.

I felt my heartbeat beating faster, and my face heat up.

My blue eyes met his brown ones. His face began coming closer, and closer. I closed my eyes, preparing for what was going to come. His lips met mine.

With that sparks flew. My heart soared; kissing Fred was the most spectacular thing I had ever felt.

Suddenly, I felt an odd surge pulse through my body.

I broke the kiss, for another surge went through my body. I felt this odd sensation, a tingling through my entire being.

“Love?” Fred quietly said, questioning me.

Crap, I realized what was happening.

“Apparate me far away from here. Far away, where there’s no one around.” I quickly said, feeling my hands begin to shake.

“What’s going on?” Fred questioned again.

I felt lightheaded and knew I had little time.

“Just do it, I’ll explain later!” I sharply shouted. Fred obliged, and brought me to an empty valley.

Another surge and I shuddered, falling to the ground.

The Ensconced (A Fred Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now